|Chapter 17 : Nighttime Greetings|

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Keeping my head on the cold leather of the couch I let out a quiet sigh as I stared at the slightly dusty floor, only a slight shine of moon light seeping in through the windows as I wrapped my quilt around me tighter

"Well this is certainly something I didn't think I'd see"

"You can't give me a detention because technically it wasn't you that found me here it was the map" I murmured glumly as I looked at Professor Lupin who was standing there with his hands in his pockets like usual as he stood with a slightly amused smile

"Why are you sleeping on a couch Amelia? In the library?"

"Because I'm not wanted anywhere else. I don't want to sleep in my dorm, the common room is freezing so I can't sleep there. And everyone in every other house hates me and this is one of the few places where I can go and not be bothered" I told him before pushing myself up as I kept the quilt tightly around me as he sat down next to me after a moment or so

"Why are you here, Remus? Gryffindors don't talk to Slytherins. Let alone someone who's branded a murderer"

"You say that like you believe it. You're not a murderer, unless of course, you have killed someone" he said quietly as I glanced at him, looking at the smile on his face as my mind went to Ben and I turned away from him, a sick and numb feeling starting to grow

"That silence is slightly concerning, Amelia"

"What's concerning is the fact that this must be about the fifth or sixth time you've caught me out after curfew, yet I still haven't had a detention from you"

"Well it's not as if I haven't sneaked out when I was-"

"Is that the only reason?"

"No of course not, I understand why you're out at night-"

"I'm not entirely sure you do"

"And why is that?"

"Well, when you were my age I doubt that you were bullied that much you didn't want to leave your common room or sleep in the same room as your dorm mates. I doubt that pretty much everybody in the school branded you a murderer, a skank and a disgrace and I don't think that you dreaded waking up and going around school everyday with a burning passion. I know that to an extent you did but that's not exactly the point I'm putting across and now I'm sounding so selfish and self absorbed" I rambled as I rubbed at my head and we became silent and I closed my eyes with a quiet sigh

"How is your work going?"

"I've been getting full marks on tests"


"The surprise...." I sighed, forcing an amused smile on my face as he let out a laugh

"I didn't mean it like that. But a third year getting full marks on tests meant for O.W.L students is remarkable. You're capable of some extraordinary magic"

"It's not like people are interested anyway"

"Out of curiosity.... have you ever attempted a patronus charm?"


"Why not?"

"Because to be able to produce a patronus charm you need to be able to relive a happy memory. And I'm not exactly the type of person to have many happy memories, am I? I mean, I'm not exactly a happy person"

"You will have happy memories"

"I highly doubt it" I murmured quietly as I glanced at him and a small smile grew on his face

"I think you should try it, you never know what might happen-"

"Nothing will happen-"

"You're prone to doubting yourself, aren't you?"

"Well when you grow up having to meet specific standards and get told that you'll never make your dreams happen- then yes, you start to doubt yourself" I mumbled quietly before I stood up and brushed myself down slightly before glancing at him

"I've got work to do"

"Do you not think you're overdoing it?"

"If anything I'm not doing enough, I never am. I'll see you in the hall Professor" I told him quietly before leaving, quietly making my way back down to the common room before sneaking into the boys dorm, seeing Blaise sitting up as I sat down next to him, giving him a small smile as I looked at the book he was reading

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