|Chapter 99 : Counting Bruises|

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"Have you been told anything else?"

"No, I'm away to go and see Cedric though. I'll see if he can tell me anything of what happened afterwards-"

"There's just no way though that-"

"I know"

"So how?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because you're smart-"

"Doesn't mean I know as to how Harry's name came out of the goblet" I explained to Daphne and Millicent quietly as I stood up from my chair in the library, tucking it back in quietly as I grabbed my bag and looked at them

"If I find anything out I'll let you know considering you're both nosey cunts"

"Thanks, but so are you-"

"Shh" I muttered quietly, a small smile growing as I left the library, heading to the courtyard as I caught sight of Cedric, watching him detach himself from the group he was with and walk over in my direction with a grin as I carried on walking in front as he tried to catch up with me

"Hey, Lia-"


"Slow down please"

"I'm walking at my normal pace-"

"No you're not" he told me as a hand landed on my shoulder and I was drawn back as he walked by my side with an amused smile as we headed for the lake, his smile soon disappearing as he stopped and turned me towards him

"What the hell have you done now?"

"I haven't done anything-"

"Amelia, your eye is nearly purple with bruising. What the hell happened?"

"Nothing happened-"

"They weren't there yesterday in the hall-"

"I know-"

"First your jaw was bruised and now it's your eye. How?"

"Nothing important-"




"It was quidditch, I was hit in the face with the quaffle"





"Yes, because after the selection yesterday everybody was made to go back to their dorms and weren't allowed to leave until morning. And you didn't have that bruise yesterday beforehand  so you-"

"It only came through this morning"

"If it was that serious of an injury it wouldn't have of taken so long for it to come through-"


"I'm not wrong though, am I?"

"Drop this, please"

"Not until you tell me as to how you got the bruise"

"I already have-"

"No Lia, how you actually got that bruise. I'm not interested in your cover story"

"It's not a cover story" I mumbled quietly as we continued walking around the edge of the water and he eventually stopped me in my tracks and tilted my head back as he pointed his wand at me and I flinched, clamping my eyes shut as nothing happened and I slowly opened them after a moment as he stared at me concerned


"I'm sorry"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, honestly"

"Then why did you-?"

"I just panicked"

"Why though-?"

"I can't explain it Cedric, I just did"

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