|Chapter 48 : Sundown Elegance|

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"Dad said to be home by sundown"

"He said to you to be home for sundown"

"Dad said not to go downtown-"

"He said to us to not go downtown" Oscar spoke up from the doorway as I smirked past holly and at Oscar from where I was sitting on the outside of the window ledge with my legs hanging out as she pursed her lips

"He'll go mental if he finds out you left"

"Does it look like I really give two flying fucks?"



"Oscar be quiet" Holly shot at him as he raised his eyebrows at her behind her back as I shuffled forward and looked at the ground beneath me

"You can't say I didn't warn you"

"Okay- I'll just say that I paid no attention to you" I shrugged, bothered at the fact she was talking to me as she stared at me for a moment before sighing and leaving the room while I turned to Oscar with a smirk

"Don't you dare try and stop me"

"I'm not going to"

"Oh thank god- so are you coming?" I asked him with a grin as he stood there for a moment before casting a glance over his shoulder to make sure the door was closed before turning back to me grinning as he nodded

"Of course- are you going down first?"

"Yeah, I'll let you know if the coast is clear" I said to him quietly before turning around and gripping the ledge tightly as I lowered myself down until I was hanging on by my hands as I looked down below me before dropping down as I landed swiftly on my feet. Glancing around I peered into the kitchen window where the lights were turned off as I glanced up and found Oscar sitting on the ledge as I nodded and he jumped down, tumbling when he landed as I tried to hide my snort of laughter

"Ah, the elegance of the idiot"

"Oh shut up that hurt"

"That's your fault" I said to him quietly as I tried to stop my laughter from getting louder as he pushed himself up and brushed the dirt off his jeans as I looked around

"Right, we're good to go. Come on" I said to him quietly as we skittered around the edge of the house, keeping to the shadows as we slowly made our way to the dirt path before running up it, stopping when we were out of sight of the house

"I think we're good"

"I hope so- how long has it been since you went downtown?"

"Ages" I told him laughing as we followed the dirt road

"If Holly grasses on us I swear to god I'm going to boot her"

"Oh my god please do. Again-"

"Hufflepuffs don't stand for violence-"

"Bull fucking shit" he cut across me as I turned to him and laughed at the pointed look he gave me as he let a smile unfold on his face

"You have no idea as to how much Cedric wanted you to be in Hufflepuff"

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