|Chapter 54 : Firebolt|

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"Draco, you were practically sobbing in your seat" I snorted while dumping myself down onto my bed with bottle in hand

"I was not"

"You were"

"You really were" Blaise agreed as everybody but Draco laughed as he sulked quietly

"It's a big dog" he grumbled quietly as Pansy turned to him

"Are you sure it wasn't a bear?"

"Oh shut up" he said with slight annoyance as Daphne and Pansy sat on the bed laughing while I held a small smile on my face

"Alright let's leave him alone- stop annoying him about how he was nearly balling his eyes out while he continues to deny it" I said to them with a smirk as I glanced at him and he stared dead at me emotionless while I patted his shoulder in a mock comforting manner as I tried to keep my laughter down

"I'm joking"

"No you're not"

"No I know" I admitted laughing as he rolled his eyes at me with a small smile

"What do you guys want to do? Now or later" I asked looking between them as my face got poked slightly

"Well first you should get dittany on your face like I told you to do"

"Please Draco, I think I should drink it instead of putting it on my face. I'm more damaged inside than I am out" I told him with a small smile as a snort of laughter came from Pansy and I tried to keep my smile small but soon ended up laughing along with her

"Oh my actual god Lia"

"I can't believe I said that" I said laughing as I pinched the bridge of my nose and tried to take a deep breath

"I need to stop laughing" I said quietly as I tried to compose myself but felt my face break as Pansy continued to laugh, clamping my hand over my mouth I tried to silence myself as I nudged her with my foot as she continued to quietly laugh, slowly getting louder as I eventually reached to my nightstand and pulled the top drawer open as I fumbled around for my inhaler

"Hey Lia? Out of curiosity- when was the last time you had an asthma attack?"

"The last serious one I had was last year actually, I can't remember what caused it but- actually! I do! It was not long after the Ravenclaw match and Davies destroyed my inhaler when I was really needing it" I told Blaise laughing as they stared at me slightly wide eyed

"Do you guys not remember that? The time I came into the common room with pink and puffy eyes and was like half dead?" I asked surprised with a smile on my face as Draco and Pansy nodded while the other two stared at me blankly as I shrugged slightly

"So what are we doing then?"

"We were thinking quidditch" Blaise said as he jerked his head to Draco while I looked at Pansy and Daphne

"What about you two? Unless you want to fly-?"

"I don't think we'll play but we'll just hover- like a couple of feet off the ground" Daphne offered while I gave a small smile and a quiet laugh

"We don't have to if you guys don't want to-"

"No it's fine, we will. Have you got enough brooms?-"

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