|Chapter 94 : Different Interrogations|

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"You good?"


"Then why the fuck are you staring at me so much? And for so long?" I asked Pansy quietly as I looked at her over the top of my cauldron, raising my eyebrows as she stared back at me before shrugging

"No. That ain't an answer"

"You're interesting to look at"

"You what?"

"You've been asked some strange questions these past few days"


"You know what I mean-"

"Pansy, look at my friend group: you guys are strange so it's only natural for me to get strange questions from you guys" I shrugged, adding a singular doxy egg to my potion as a small yellow puff of smoke rose up from my cauldron while I pushed it to the side, letting it cool down before glancing up and watching black smoke rise quickly from her cauldron as she stared at it wide eyed and I wandered over, pulling her book towards me as I started looking at the instructions

"How come yours is yellow?"

"Different potion-"

"Lia, fuck- what did I do? Shit- he's going to fucking murder me-"

"Who is?"


"What? No he won't"

"And how not?"

"Because I'm faster than him and will do it first-"


"You're welcome-"

"What did I do wrong?"

"Tell me Pansy... can you read?" I asked as I turned my head and looked at her, a snort of laughter coming from Blaise and Draco as I looked to them with a grin before looking back to her while she smacked the backside of my head, slightly pink in the face

"Funnily enough Black, I can"


"Fuck off-"

"Right, well... can you count?"

"I swear to fuck Amelia-"

"Answer me please"

"Yes I can-"

"So how many steps are there?"


"And what step are you on?"


"Right.... read step three for me. If you can read that is"

"Shut the fuck up"

"You're welcome"

"Can I reverse it?"

"Just add half a slug and repeat step five and carry on from there" I told her before going back to my seat, sitting down with a smile as I pulled my transfiguration book out from my bag, flicking through it and making a couple of notes on pages

"Back to what I was saying"

"Oh for fucks sake"

"I was just pointing out-"

"Yes well sometimes you just point out a little too much Pansy"

"I can't help it"

"You can"

"Maybe.... I'm not going to stop though"

"You should"

"Should. But won't"


"Anyway, back to what I was saying-" she muttered, getting cut off by the bell as I lifted my head and grinned, starting to pack my things away as she gave me a sour look

"Oh look at that! You're going to have to wait to interrogate me"

"Will I fuck, I'll just sit next to you in the hall"

"If you can catch up that is" I told her as I stood up with my bag, leaving the classroom quickly with a smile of amusement as I headed for lunch. Making it into the hall I searched my pockets quickly as my arm was grabbed and I looked down at the bench, Theodore having a tight hold of my arm as I tried to pull myself away while I watched him raise his eyebrows at me, his voice seethingly quiet when talking

"Don't try that"

"Or what, Nott?"

"Remember what happened the other day after you watched Diggory put his name in the cup? When you were walking back down to the dungeons?"

"Vividly" I spat quietly, remembering the pain that spread through the back of my head after having been hit as I glared at him and he motioned to the bench as I glanced around, reluctantly slipping my bag off and taking the seat next to him as he kept a hold of my arm under the table

"What do you want?"

"You watch the way you-"

"You can't tell me how I can and can't talk to you. Now if you haven't got anything to say then you can bloody let go of me and fuck off- you little shit Nott let go!" I hissed after his grip tightened majorly, his nails digging into my skin as he stared at me with his eyes ever so slightly narrowed while I tried to pull my arm away, clenching my fist in pain

"What do you want?"

"I just thought I'd tell you that you're sitting with me-"

"Yeah no fucking shit. It wasn't by choice either-"

"And it'll continue not to be-"

"And what's that meant to mean?"

"For each meal I want you sitting next to me"

"Go fuck yourself"

"And you'll be sitting there for the entirety of it. And that's that, no say in the matter" he muttered to me quietly as I bit back my anger, determined not to draw attention in our direction before he nodded to my bag and moved his hand to mine, gripping it tightly as he stood up and hauled me up with him as I quickly grabbed my bag, being almost dragged from the hall.

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