|Chapter 2 : Hall Fights|

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"What do you think would happen? I'd hug him? Thank him for not only attacking me before we had finished counting but also for almost getting someone to kill me then send me to the hospital wing at his own hand during a Quidditch game? What? What?" I asked Nadia loudly, staring at her with my lips pressed tightly together

"You know what? I'm done. I'm done being made responsible for your unhappiness and newly found short temper. At least you've got a mother that cares about you because I didn't okay?"

"Cares? You don't care" I scoffed as I stared at her with an annoyed look

"I'm your mother of course I care-"

"Oh yeah? Then why is it you make me do things  that I don't want to do? Why is it that when I fell over three hundred feet from the sky that it was Nathan who stopped my fall and not you? Why is it that you didn't even say anything to Weasley about how he got Davies to practically grant me a death wish?" I asked with narrowed eyed as she muttered to herself quietly and I caught a small snippet of what she said

"... even with all of his effort he unfortunately didn't succeed..."

"You wish me dead?"


"You just said 'he unfortunately didn't succeed'. You really wanted Davies to kill me?" I asked quietly as I stared at her, slightly pale in the face as people continued to stare, the whole hall silent

"That's not-"

"Don't you dare lie to me"


"Don't you dare try to change the subject"

"There have just been times where... it doesn't matter"

"No, tell me. Tell me what you were going to say"

"I'm not going to-"

"No, do it"


"Just bloody do it-"

"There have been times that I wished you weren't my daughter! Happy now?! Is that what you so desperately wanted to hear?!" She asked loudly, on the verge of shouting as I stared at her, her words ringing in my ears as she stared at me

"Is it?! Is it what you were wanting me to say?! Because believe me I've had this built up inside of me for years and now that I've finally got a chance to say it I'm not going to hold back! There are times that I wished you and Holly weren't twins! Where I wished that you were like Holly! You think you're better than everyone else and it sickens me! You've became so ignorant and selfish I'm actually wondering whether I should even let you hang around with your friends even more seeing as it's them who changed you-"

"Don't you dare bring my friends into this. Don't you fucking dare even try pin the blame on them. And if you really don't like me I'm not surprised, I never asked to be your daughter so don't even try and treat me like I am yours, you never wanted me in the first place anyway" I said quietly as I stared down at the table, a cold feeling sweeping over me as I bit my tongue and she started speaking again

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