|Chapter 22 : Sneaky|

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"Damn, you're sneaky"

"Yes but I'm small so it's adorable"

"You're smaller than small"

"Oh my god no I'm not!"

"Yes you are"

"I'm not small, I'm fun sized" I told Blaise defiantly as I crossed my arms over my chest and cast a glance towards him as he stared at me before we both burst out laughing

"Fuck off" he said to me quietly as he shook his head at me laughing and I stood against the wall with my hand clamped over my mouth as I tried to get myself to stop laughing as I looked around before jogging down to the pitch

"So what are we doing?"

"Spying on the Gryffindor quidditch team obviously"

"Why? I understand why you're doing it but I'm not even on the team"

"Yet. And I also don't want to be lonely"

"Bold assumption that I want to be on the team- and that's kind of sad"

"It's not kind of sad- it is" I told him as I started laughing again as we reached the edge of the pitch as I glanced in before motioning for him to follow me as I slipped into the Gryffindor changing room, a smirk growing on my face as I looked at the board that was propped up with flying figures on it

"Oliver you can be so unbelievably dumb at times- shut the door please" I said to Blaise with a smirk as he done so quietly and I quickly flicked my wand, duplicating the board as I grinned at it before shrinking it and stuffing it into my pocket as I looked around the room

"See if you can find anymore" I said to him as we both started looking around the room for anymore boards

"There's one up here Lia" Blaise said quietly as I turned around to him and looked to where he was looking as I glanced up to the top of the cupboard where a corner of a board was visible

"Neither of us are tall enough- could you give me a foot up?" I asked as he held his hands together and I put my foot on his hand and lifted myself up as he steadied me and I gripped onto the top of the cupboard for support and carefully had a look at it before duplicating and shrinking it again as I put it in my pocket and looked down to him smiling

"I've got it" I told him with a grin as I rested my hands on his shoulders as he helped me down

"Thanks, sorry about that"

"I don't know why you're apologising, you didn't do anything"

"I was using your hands as a step"

"It didn't hurt"

"Really?" I asked surprised as he laughed and showed me his hands, no sign of even a mark of the sole of my shoe as I pulled a face


"So are we good to go?"

"Yeah what we've got is good enough, now we've just got to get out..." I told him thoughtfully as I laughed slightly before poking my head out the door and looking around

"The coast is clear- lets go" I said quietly as we both darted out of the door and quickly started walking away, making it to the entrance hall quickly as I breathed a sigh of relief

"Oh thank Jesus"

"That's wasn't stressful at all"

"No I know but we need to get to the common room quickly, come on" I said quietly as we hastily started making our way towards the dungeons, practically running into the common room as Blaise went on ahead of me as I ran straight into his still figure as I stumbled backwards

"Blaise you fucking asshat! Why did you stop?"

"Because I wanted to, I didn't think you'd actually run into me" he said laughing as I shook my head amused and scanned the common room, finding the quidditch team huddled in the corner as I walked over, a skip in my step as they looked up at me and Blaise

"You're back quick"

"Didn't want to get caught, did we?"

"Did you get anything? Anything at all?" Flint asked as I dropped down onto the couch beside Draco with a smile that slowly turned into a smirk

"Of course I did" I told them laughing before digging into my pocket as I took the boards out and slid them across the table towards him as he enlarged them


"Holy fuck- were these just lying around?"

"Adrian, as smart as Oliver is he can be so unbelievably dumb. Yes they were"

"That cup is ours this year"


"Only if nobody has a vendetta against Amelia-"

"Tries to take her broom from her while flying-"

"Attacks her with bludgers constantly-"

"Tries to attack her in the halls-"

"Tries to-"

"You guys really aren't helping" I cut them all off with a smile as I sent a grin to Draco and started laughing as I turned back to them

"And as long as you lot aren't hungover for this game we'll be fine"

"You were hungover as well"

"Not as bad as you lot- me and Draco were the only ones who were sober enough to know what we were doing and how to play. We carried the team-"

"Yes then you were hit by a bludger, fell off your broom and when you opened your eyes your bone was snapped and coming through your leg"

"Yes, thank you for that reminder Miles, just what I was needing"

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