|Chapter 21 : Unsettling|

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"What's this all about?"

"What?" I asked confused as Theodore sat down beside me and I looked at him as he stared at me, raising his eyebrows with a slightly irritated and unimpressed look

"What? What's wrong?"

"I said that I don't like you having your hair up all of the time"

"I know...."

"So I was both wanting and expecting you to have your hair down today"

"I can have my hair how I like Theodore" I told him quietly, a strange feeling starting to grow as I looked at him, watching as he rolled his eyes while he turned to me, pulling my robe back slightly as I gave him a confused look

"Are you wearing your blazer?"

"Yeah. I wear it quite often, I hadn't wore the black one in awhile though so I decided to change it up a bit-"

"I don't like it"

"I- huh?"

"I don't like it. I don't like the blazers. I don't want you to be wearing them"

"Theodore, I-"

"I don't want you to wear them Amelia"


"I've got to go. I'll see you in class" he cut over me, giving me a grin as he grabbed an apple and stood up, starting to walk off as he looked at me over his shoulder with an amused look as my confused and unsettled feeling continued to grow as I sat there by myself, Pansy dropping down in front of me awhile later with a grin on her face



"What's up?"

"... when you were dating that Ravenclaw- wait.... what was his name? Was it Joseph?"

"I thought it was Jack...."

"Jacob is ringing a bell...."

"I don't even fucking remember. Anyway, carry on" she said, shrugging it off as I smiled at her slightly and she started laughing to herself

"Right, yeah. Well, when you were dating him did he ever tell you that he didn't like the way you done something? Like the clothes you wore or the way you done your hair or anything like that?"

"No, never. He never said anything along the lines of that to me. Why?"

"No, I'm only asking"

"You're asking for a reason-"

"Don't play my cards"


"I was only wondering. Honestly"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure" I told her quietly as I filled my bowl with cereal and milk, stabbing at it slightly before pushing it around as the others started coming over

"You know, I was just thinking-"

"Jesus Christ, really?"

"That's dangerous-"

"I never knew you were capable of such a thing"

"You're all a bunch of pricks" Daphne muttered as a smile grew on my face and the others started laughing before she looked at me

"Anyway. As I was saying: I was just thinking about that time you wanted to run after Lockhart with a knife last year"

"What do you mean wanted to? I did"

"Wait... what?"


"You fucking what?!"

"I got a detention for that-"

"Are you surprised?"

"How was I supposed to know there would be consequences for my actions?"

"You can be really immature sometimes-"

"Thanks. It's the trauma" I told Draco with a slight shrug, a small smile as I started eating my cereal, stopping after a moment as I looked to them all as they stared at me silently


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