|Chapter 159 : Found Out|

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"Do you need help?" Draco asked amused as I tried to balance one more book in my hands as I peered over the top of the pile smiling after he'd walked up for the dorm stairs

"No I'm fine, thank you" I said to him with a small laugh as I tried to pick up one more book but stopped as he came over and took it from my hands as well as most from the pile I was holding as I stared at him

"You do not need all these" he scoffed as I got a better grip of them and nodded

"Yes I do-"

"You already have this one- and pretty much these two in the pile in your hands" he said as he set three down on the table

"Why do you have that?" He asked laughing as he pointed to a book I was holding as I tried to look at it

"Have what? I can't see what it is" I said as he pulled it from the pile as he picked the other ones up from the table

"Exactly! So you don't need it" he said smirking as I stared at him confused before starting to laugh

"That doesn't make sense!"

"I know" he said as he put the books on the cabinet and I walked from the common room as he caught up with me

"Where is it you're going?"

"The library, you?"

"Me and Zabini are heading to the pitch- why don't you come with us? A few of Durmstrangs are meant to be there"

"I'd like to spend time with you all but I need to revise-"


"Transfiguration and charms Draco- we have two tests in the upcoming weeks and I don't want to fail them-"

"You won't- you can do both with your eyes closed. Just take a break, come on"

"I need to-"


"Fine. But I get to revise for the first forty minutes then I'll come and meet you all, is that a deal?" I asked and watched as the smirk grew on his face and we turned our separate ways

"I'll see you down there then" he said loudly as I nodded to myself

"Yeah, yeah, sure" I mumbled with a small smile as I watched him disappear around the corner before I made my way down the empty hall, a cold and uneasy feeling spilling over me as I kept close to the wall. Hearing a door open I turned around and stared about before being dragged into a room as I was thrown against a wall and my books fell from my grip as a forearm was pressed roughly against my throat and I clawed at Notts arm while my feet dangled above the ground and he glared at me

"Anything you want to tell me, Amelia?" He asked quietly as I stared at the girls bathroom we were in

"Yeah. We're fucking over, I'm sick of your shit"

"My shit? Oh no, I was on about your shit that I'm sick of: you know, like kissing Malfoy behind my back" he spat as I stared at him wide eyed, my stomach dropping like a heavy stone

"How-?" I asked quietly, my airway being forced against so roughly that air couldn't get to my lungs as I tried my best to breathe as normally as possible while my eyes started to water

"Your sister showed me that picture- the one she duplicated, knowing you would snatch it from her"

"It's sad that you actually went to my sister"

"Oh no- she came to me. Now you're lucky that it was you I went after and not him"

"I'd prefer that anyway- just leave him out of this it wasn't him"

"So who was it then? Who was it that you were snogging under the mistletoe Black?... Exactly" he said quietly, almost sneering as his eyes death stared mine

"Yeah well fuck you Nott, I'm happy he was my first kiss-"

"He wasn't your first kiss when I've kissed you-"

"See? That's the thing; you have tried to kiss me but never actually succeeded in doing so. And do you know what will really bother you? The fact that he's better at kissing than you will ever be" I told him as a smirk started growing on my face as his eyes darkened and his grip loosened momentarily making me land on the floor as he smashed me back into the wall and my head whacked full force against the bricks as I hissed in pain before he threw me to the ground and I coughed painfully as my lungs spasmed and I frantically searched my pockets for my inhaler, cursing mentally after not picking it up as he crouched down beside me and his hands went instantly to my throat as I tried to kick at him while my eyes widened

"Do you know why we're in Myrtle's bathroom? Because nobody will come in here and find you once I'm done" he said quietly as his grip tightened and I felt my eyes starting to roll into the back of my head as he let go and I crawled onto my side as I started to wheeze

"Stupefy" he said as I quickly ducked and listened as a pipe burst behind me and water burst out, soaking us and the floor within seconds. He grabbed my by the front of my robes and hauled me to my feet before throwing me into the sinks in the middle of the room as I cried out and gripped onto them, trying not to fall to the ground as I looked in the mirror and watched as he stormed over to me. Whipping around I balled my fist as I hit him in his nose and watched as he stumbled back with watering eyes and I backed away towards the door, holding on to the sinks for support as I walked as quick as I could. I felt a strong pain to my kidneys as I tried to shout but nothing came out as I fell to the ground in pain and he kicked me in my stomach, knocking me onto my side as I stared at him through blurry eyes while he kept on kicking me over and over again, managing to hit almost every inch of my body. Clutching myself in pain I started to try to speak but the words were silent making him scoff as he pressed his foot onto one of my outstretched hands as my face contorted in pain, letting out a silent cry as I tried to hit his foot off me, making him apply more pressure

"Can't even speak- how pathetic" he said quietly with a look of disgust on his face as he dug his foot into my face before walking out of the bathroom as I lay there on the water drenched floor- having no strength to push myself up as I watched a thin line of blood flowed through the water, soon enough the amount of blood built up and I felt a wave of tiredness and nausea wash over me and I faintly heard water sloshing around. Trying to breathe I forced myself onto my side, tears running down my cheeks while I started crawling towards my wand, the door opening behind me as I made one last desperate attempt to grab it

"Checui!" Feeling myself fall still for a couple of seconds he came over behind me, something incredibly tight wrapping around my throat as my eyes burned and airway soon became blocked as I tried to take in any possible air while trying to loosen it off, my feeble attempts soon stopping as my eyes rolled back and arms and legs fell limp.

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