|Chapter 5 : Panic|

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Opening my eyes I let out a groan as I rubbed my pounding head, the common room a mess of empty bottles and people passed out on couches as I lifted my head, it having been on Draco's shoulder as I found him fast asleep. Seeing people walking from the common room I squinted over at them, all of them sporting Slytherin colours and banners as I stared at them confused

"Oi! Hey! You! Yes you, the midget- What're you doing?"

"Heading to lunch-"

"But why're you dressed like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like that, in Slytherin colours and all that"

"Because it's the Slytherin and Hufflepuff quidditch match today" the first year told me as I let out a laugh, shaking my head at him and his friends

"No it's not. It's next week"

"No, it's today"

"No, the match is on the thirteenth. I know because I'm on the team-"

"It is the thirteenth" he told me, smiling as I stared at him, his friends walking off as he wandered over as he showed me his watch and I peered at it, just making out the date and time

"The game starts in ten minutes. You're going to have to be-"

"Fuck!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, his face scrunching slightly as I jumped to my feet and shook Draco by his shoulders

"Get off me-"

"Get up!"


"We have a quidditch match goddammit!" I shouted as he opened his eyes and stared at me, still pretty much asleep as I smacked the backside of his head and he stared at me

"Hurry up!" Clambering over the couch I jumped and landed unsteadily, falling into the boys dorm door I collapsed in, finding Adrian and Miles passed out on the floor as I shook them awake

"And what the fuck do you want?"

"Quidditch! We have a game and it starts in ten minutes!" I screeched as they stared at me for a moment before jumping up, running into each other and cursing as they scrambled for their things and I ran down the stairs and into the next dorm, thankfully Lucian, Derrick and Flint all being in there as he walked out of the bathroom lazily, looking near enough dead as he kept a damp towel to his head

"What time is it-?"

"Ten to eleven! Get your arses in gear!"

"Stop fucking shouting, my head is already pounding as it is-"

"I'll make your head pound even more if you don't hurry up!"

"Why am I needing to hurry up? What's happening?" He asked confused as I stared around, smacking the calendar on the wall where the thirteenth was circled as he peered at it for a moment before looking to the other two slowly as they slowly started getting up


"Exactly! Be down in the changing room for four minutes! Go go go!" I said loudly, clapping my hands before quickly disappearing to my dorm and grabbing my robes, Pansy and Daphne getting dressed tiredly as they gawked at me while I stuffed a couple of cans into my bag and grabbed my broom

"Lia! You have ten minutes!"

"Don't fucking remind me Parkinson!" I shouted before vanishing, pushing past people in the common room as I ran through the halls full speed and desperately, shoving Oscar into the wall without a second thought as I disappeared outside.

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