|Chapter 35 : Bad Time For A Match|

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Opening my eyes, I blinked tiredly before glancing at my clock and switching my alarm off, deciding not to sleep in for an extra fifteen minutes as I glanced down at my wrist as my eyes widened. Bruised and swollen I pushed myself up with my left hand and cradled my right in pain as I pressed my lips together in an attempt not to wake the others as I quietly slipped out of bed and got changed as quick as I could, throwing my quidditch trousers on while the rest of my robes stayed in the changing room.

Sitting down in the great hall I gave a half smile to those who wished me luck on the way past. I raised my hand and tried to pick my fork up as I dropped it instantly and screwed my face up in pain before letting out a shaky breath and resting my arm under the table while I closed my eyes for a moment.

"You look about as pale as I am"

"You're just pale in general" I murmured as the bench sank down beside me and I glanced at Draco as he done his best to offer a smirk as I looked at his face, certainly paler than he usually is as I offered a small and wavering smile back

"How long have you been down here?"

"Not long- you should eat before Flint comes down here and glares at us all until we eat something"

"Point made, do you want some toast?"

"No thanks, I've already ate"

"No you haven't- your plate is clean" he pointed out as I glanced at it and shrugged

"I might have of had an apple"

"Have you?"

"That doesn't matter"

"Lia you'll need to eat-"

"I can't, I'm not up to it-"

"One slice of toast. Amelia, if Flint comes down here and finds out that you haven't ate anything he'll make you eat more than I'm asking you to"


"You're only saying that because you know I'm right" he murmured smugly as I let a light laugh get the better of me and I took the slice of toast he held out to me as I kept my right arm under the table as he gave me a confused look


"Nothing, nothing" he mumbled as he looked at me for another split second before turning away as I surprised myself and managed to finish the slice of toast as a hand landed on my shoulder and I jumped as me and Draco both turned around

"Good luck today, both of you. I would've said to you in the dorm but you had left early"

"Thanks Pansy"

"You two should try and get some colour in you, relax, Gryffindor aren't getting the cup this year- it's going to have our name on it... again. Good luck" Daphne said with a smile as I felt the corners of my lips twitch up slightly as they walked away, Millicent appearing a couple of minutes later as she stared at us both before walking off towards the other end of the table, past Pansy and Daphne as I picked my goblet up and Draco turned back to me just as Miles and Adrian walked into the hall

"Are you alright?"

"What? Yeah. I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

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