|Chapter 118: Not Caring|

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"Amelia, sit down" mum said softly as I turned the tap off and dried my hands and glanced at the clock, 23:49  before sitting down at the small kitchen table beside her

"What's wrong?"


"You know you can talk to me- please tell me what's happened, Professor McGonagall came up here yesterday and said you've started falling behind in transfiguration, not only that but you're isolating yourself"

"Nothing has happened"

"Something must have of happened. Have you fallen out with your friends? You don't look well Amelia-"


"What do you mean?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I care Amelia and I just want to make sure you're okay-"

"No you don't. You don't care. You never have so don't try and pretend that you do" I said to her with a cold look as she stared at me with slight shock on her face as she tried to take a hold of my hands while I wrenched them away from her

"Of course I care Amelia, I always have-"

"Have you fuck! If you ever have cared then you would have of been there at my first fight, been there when I needed help, came to my recitals, let me spend time with my friends when I've asked to, let me just have a good time and overall just be a good mother to me!" I said loudly as I got to my feet and stormed out of the kitchen as I yanked the door open and walked angrily from her quarters. I stormed through the dark and deserted hallways and towards the dungeons and into the common room again as I got strange looks from those who were still awake while I disappeared to my dorm and shut the door forcefully behind me, thankful the room was empty, coming to the realisation that they must have all deserted to the boys dorm


"Leave me alone Theodore" I sighed annoyed after he stormed into the dorm and shut the door behind him as I turned and looked at him with a pale face as he stood in front of me and grabbed my jaw forcing me to look up at him

"No need for the attitude"

"Get off me"

"Watch what you say. You remember what happened last time?" He asked quietly as I lifted my hand and smacked him across the face as his hold on me disappeared

"I said get off me" I spat again as he gritted his teeth and turned back towards me annoyed as my eyes widened and I stared between my hand and his face before backing away as he stormed towards me

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"

"Big fucking mistake Black" He seethed as he brought his arm back before his fist hit the side of my head and I fell to the floor.

Opening my eyes I groaned in pain before pushing myself up, my eyes stinging painfully as I stared around the stairwell. Eventually getting to my feet I stumbled up the stairs as I walked into my dorm and looked around at the empty beds, cursing as I looked at the time on the clock and quickly went to pack my bag, raising an eyebrow at the curtains that were drawn around my bed. Hissing in pain after I tried to pick my book up I stared at my red and bruised fingers and I gently started to pack my bag the best I could before I quickly changed and headed from the common room as quick as I could move, the pain coursing through my feet and legs making walking a struggle as I made my way through the empty corridors.

Silently Screaming For HelpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora