|Chapter 47 : Always There|

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"As soon as I'm fifteen I'm moving out. I don't care-"

"Stay still please"

"Can I move in with you?"

"Definitely- sit still for a moment longer"

"You don't need to try and-"

"I do. You were great out there by the way"

"Thanks" I muttered quietly after a pause as I looked down at the gold medal clutched tightly in my hand before pushing it onto the table with a sigh

"How come its always you Nathan?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that it always seems to be you- I'm not complaining or anything it's actually a preference. It's just that.... whenever I seem to be affected by something you seem to be there. You always are. No offence but it's like you're following me and you won't leave" I explained to him quietly, laughing slightly as a grin grew on his face and he rolled his wand across the table, the bruises on my face having disappeared while he looked up

"Maybe I am following you. You won't know"

"Considering you've said that.... I kinda do know...."

"No you don't" he told me, raising his eyebrows slightly, his determined and slightly serious look disappearing when he started to laugh from where the two of us sat in his living room about a week later

"So when's your next fight?"

"Probably whenever I next see Holly"

"Not what I meant but okay"

"Shouldn't you be training for the Cup?"

"Should be. But not"

"Love that" I laughed as the fireplace turned green, a slightly recognisable face coming into view as I grinned and looked at Nathan amused while he turned and stared at Adam

"Don't you dare send him over here-"

"I don't want to deal with him anymore"

"I don't want to deal with him at all-"


"Alex" they told me simultaneously as I started laughing

"Tell him that I said he should get a grip of both himself and his life"

"On it-"

"Adam! Don't!" Completely ignoring Nathan we watched him disappear as I started laughing and he turned to me

"Well done"

"What? It's funny. I hate him. He hates me. It's all good-"

"You are an ungrateful piece of shit" the two of us turned, the loud crack filling the air as Alex stared at me unhappily and I continued laughing, his temper growing

"At least I'm not Nadia" I shrugged, his face turning pink before he disapparated out annoyed and I looked at Nathan who sat there trying to hide a laugh as my grin grew

"And I get called childish for laughing at things worse than that!"

"Shut up"

"How do you look after them? Like, how do you keep them all under control and stop them from ripping each other apart?"

"How do I keep you under control and stop you from ripping Holly to shreds?" He asked back as we both continued laughing, Adam walking through the fireplace a couple of moments later as he looked at me

"Oscar called saying Nadia is looking for you-"



"Bullshit. Bullshit she's looking for me-"

"No, I- I think she is...."

"Well the only reason she would be looking for me is to shout at me then"

"She hasn't already done so?"

"Considering I've been here the last week? No"

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