|Chapter 193 : Secretive Chats|

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"Is that Amelia Black?!" Turning around I felt a grin grow on my face, Aaron jogging down the corridor towards me with Tristan on his tail as he enveloped me into a tight hug

"How come I haven't seen you?"

I'm sorry, I've not really been outside of my common room or any dorms until yesterday

"No don't apologise, I've just missed talking with you" he told me while stepping to the side, Tristan taking his place for a quick and tight hug as he stepped back and looked at me

"I, on the other hand, knew you were out and wandering around as Cedric told me and Oscar as soon as he knew"

He did?

"Of course he did, he was too excited not to tell us"

I haven't seen Oscar....

"Honestly, I haven't either really" he shrugged as I sighed slightly, feeling guilty that I hadn't gotten the chance to see him as I was walked away down the corridor towards the dungeons

"So what're you up to tonight then? Any plans?"

Taking a nap

"A nap? Lia, no, come spend time with me instead. We can go for a walk or something"

Aaron, as much as I'd love to... I don't have the fucking energy

"No you just don't want to spend time with me" Aaron sighed as the three of us started laughing, walking down the stairs and chatting for a few more minutes before Tristan disappeared off into a side corridor with a wave as me and Aaron carried on down towards the common room

"So are you looking forward to the last task?"

I mean hopefully it'll be worthwhile to watch. I heard that for the second task you guys were just watching the water for an hour

"Yeah it wasn't that thrilling. You can sit with me and a couple of guys from Durmstrang for the last task if you'd like?"

I think I'll be sitting with Draco and the others, but you guys are more than welcome to join our group

"I'll definitely make the offer to the others and I'll let you-"

"There's my girl!"

"I'll let you know what they say- hello Nathan, I thought you might've noticed by now that I'm in fact not a girl" Aaron said after we'd rounded the last corner, an amused smirk on my face as Nathan stood up properly from where he was leaning against the wall, walking over with his arms raised out in a hug as Aaron jumped in front of me and intercepted the hug. Laughing, I watched as Nathan stopped with a look of upmost confusion on his face, slowly looking down at Aaron who was standing laughing while I slipped past, looking at Draco who was standing in front of the wall as I gave him a small wave

You two seemed like you were having a fun chat

"It was insightful to say the least. How are you doing?"

I'm good, I'm pretty tired though. But I finally got to see Tristan and Aaron again

"And were they happy?"

I think Aaron is happier to see Nathan rather than me, I mean he never hugged me for that long

Turning around to point at the two I watched laughing as Nathan tried to push Aaron off as he stood with his arms still tightly around him before I turned back to Draco, leaning against the wall with a smile

How are you?

"I'm good. I just have a few things to sort out and think about"

Anything I can help with?

"Not yet, no. But I'll let you in on the secret at some point"

You and Nathan have secrets now, hm?

"I suppose" he told me with a shrug as an amused smile grew on my face and I watched him glance past me and to Nathan before looking back to me, both of us silent for a moment before Nathan came struggling over

"Amelia, for the love of fuck... please get this kid off me"

Aaron, come on now

Jabbing him in his hip he jumped away before holding it in pain, straightening up and giving me a look

"You cunt, Amelia. That hurt-"


"Sorry" waving it off amused I looked at Nathan as he threw him a look before slapping his shoulder due to his comment as I started laughing before giving him a hug as his grin grew

"Finally, the hug I've been waiting for" he sighed before laughing as Aaron flipped him off amused while Nathan turned back to Draco and tapped the side of his head with a grin

"Don't overthink, remember what I'd said... and keep me updated on how it goes" he told him as I watched Draco nod before starting to wander off as I waved goodbye, Aaron running off and catching up with him at his side as they vanished into the common room and I turned my head to Nathan confused

What was that all about?

"Don't you worry"

But I am worrying. That was so ominous

"I'm an ominous guy, what can I say? Anyway... I'd heard Professor Sprout tried to break you in a hug when you went to Herbology?"

Yeah, she was so excited to see me. And then Snape also gave me forty points for Slytherin just for brewing a simple shrinking solution

"I bet that was his way of showing he's glad you're back"

He's just relieved there's someone that knows what they're doing

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