|Chapter 199 : High Hopes|

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I forgot to ask, but are you allowed to stay for longer?

"My dad said I could stay until the end of the week"


"Yeah" Aaron told me laughing as I looked at him with wide eyes, a grateful smile on my face as I ruffled his hair from where he sat on the bench in front of me, everybody having changed where they were sitting as Crabbe and Goyle sat behind me, Draco and Blaise with the girls next to them on the bench

Have you seen LJ? I haven't seen him in a while, I wanted to say hello

"Amelia, LJ left weeks ago"

What do you mean?

"He was called home, something with his mum I believe" he explained to me as I pulled a face and gave a little shrug and sigh


"I'll let him know you called him that when I send my next letter"

Do it

"You think I won't?"

...please don't

"Too late, I've already decided that I will"

"Hey! Birdy!" turning my head I felt a grin grow on my face as Nathan jogged up the steps, motioning me over as I flipped Aaron off amused before I started to climb out of the row, watching amused as a second year pointed at him with his friends, an excited grin on his face. Finally getting out the row he gave me a quick hug before stepping back, his hands on my shoulders

"There's someone I want you to meet"


"Are you okay talking? You don't have to speak much, just a little word here and there is all that's needed"

"I should be okay"

"Okay... come on" he murmured quietly, a grin on his face after running his thumb across the fading bruise under my eye before urging me away, rubbing my back gently as we walked from the arena, standing just outside the entrance as a man about the same height as Nathan but with a little more weight to him turned to us, his eyes a dull blue as he extended his hand out for me to take as I shook his hand with a smile

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Black. I'm Lysander Flanagan"

"Lysander is the head of the Youth Quidditch Involvement Program"

"You are?"

"I am, I'm glad to get the chance to meet you. Adam and this one won't stop going on about you" he told me laughing as he jerked his head to Nathan and I stood amused while giving a look to Nathan, grinning at him with raised eyebrows

"I'm expecting good things"

"Don't expect too much"

"I'm expecting more than I've been told"

"So no pressure" I shrugged, giving a grin while they looked at each other laughing as Nathan turned with his arms crossed

"Don't let me down, I've hyped you up to no ends"

"I'm genuinely tired of hearing him talk about you" Lysander sighed as Nathan shoved him back laughing, watching him lose his footing as he went to slap his arm before he turned back to me laughing

"If this twat hasn't explained anything to you. I'm going to be the one in charge of your training and involvement with the magpies. It would be Nathan taking care of it all but due to you not being 17 yet, I legally have to do it. For example, if you're injured during a match, it comes back to me to deal with. And if you have any problems you need sorted, it would be me you come to and so on and so forth. I'll also be monitoring the split up between you studying and practicing, so there may be times where you might need to leave classes for example"

"I'll get to leave class?"

"Occasionally if needed. For example, if training clashes with your timetable we'll make adjustments where we can. Which also means I'll have your timetable before you do" Nathan explained as I gave a nod in understanding

"So I guess you don't have the same supervision over Lucas?"

"Mr Campbell turned 17 not too long ago so he's escaped my clutch, but you on the other hand, aren't as lucky"

"Goody" I sighed, looking at him blankly before a smile started to grow as he laughed, his hand landing on my shoulder and shaking it slightly

"I'm not that bad, I promise"

"I don't rely on promises, they offer too much faith"

"Oh... well then..."

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