|Chapter 136 : Agree|

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"Where have you been?!" Turning around I looked at both Nadia and Nathan who were walking towards me from where they had just rounded a corner as I stared at the two, watching as they got closer and Nathan pulled me into a quick and brief hug before stepping back, his hands on my shoulders while I stared at him, concerned to that fact that he was holding me so tight

"We've been worried sick, your friend Theodore dropped by and he told us everything"

"Everything?" I asked quietly, looking at Nathan confused while a slight feeling of relief flooded my chest, thinking that he'd admitted to them what he'd been doing and how he'd been treating me as Nadia stood beside Nathan to appear in my line of sight

"Your depression, how you're closing yourself off. He said you had been thinking of suicide-"

"He even showed us your book" Nathan told me quietly as he pulled a small book from his back pocket and passed me it, my pocket sized version of Moby Dick now sitting in my hands as I flicked through the pages at what had been written, him having my hand writing down cold, pretty much completely identical to my actual writing

"Please, Amelia. Talk to us"

"No. You wouldn't understand-"

"Try me! I've experienced everything you're going through right now-" Nadia told me as my mind went blank, the majority of her words not even meeting my ears as I glanced past Nathan, that overwhelming feeling of dread sinking in again

"Your problems seem like life and death-" staring at Nott, I watched as he walked in the opposite direction, slowly going out of sight

"I promise they're not!"

"You don't know what my world looks like" I told her quietly, a sick feeling in my stomach as I tried to push Nathan's hands off me, attempting to step back as he tightened his hold slightly

"What's happening?"


"Whoever you're trying to protect for whatever reason you don't have to" Nathan told me as I stared at him silently, blinking as I went to say something, stopping myself before I shook my head

"I'm not trying to protect anyone"

"Then what're you hiding? What is it you're keeping from us?"

"I'm not keeping anything. I have to go" I said quietly as I stepped back, moving past the two of them as I started walking away quickly

"Amelia? Amelia?!" Picking up my pace my walking became more frantic as I rounded the corner, my mouth going dry as I looked down the flight of stairs in horror, watching as Nott walked towards Cedric, only a matter of a few steps behind him as I practically ran down the steps, grabbing his wrist as I dragged him away


"Not now"

"But I'm still needing to talk to you again! You walked away the other day!" Cedric called as I ignored him, continuing to drag him as I pushed Nott into a classroom and shut the door behind us


"Almost out of time-"

"Don't do it. Just leave them alone"

"Will you?"

"I will. I swear I will, just please. Don't go after any of them" I pleaded as I stared at him, feeling tears prick the back of my eyes as he looked back at me, raising his hand as I was hit across the face as I shouted in pain while he grabbed me by the back of my neck

"That's what you get for grabbing me, and for being in Malfoy's dorm"

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