|Chapter 87 : Pies|

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"Are you going to eat the rest of that pie?"


"So can I have it?"


"What? Why?"

"Because it's mine"

"But you're not going to eat it"

"You don't know that"

"But I do"

"And how's that?"

"Because you just said!"

"You're hallucinating Blaise" I stated with a smirk as I stabbed at the pie on my plate and ate a slice as we stared at each other the whole time

"I'm classing this as bullying"

"Bullying my arse Blaise"

"Is he accusing you of bullying him again?"

"Of course he is, it's the only thing he does" I said to Draco laughing after he had taken the seat opposite us as he sat there with a weak smirk

"Actually you can have the rest of it Blaise, I don't want it, it's too sweet for my liking" I told him before pushing my plate towards him after having one more mouthful, the icing leaving a strange grit like feeling on my teeth as he took it with a grin on his face as he brought me into a side hug and I twirled my fork between my fingers

"I love you Lia, I hope you know that"

"I do Blaise, I do"

"Stop flirting with her Zabini"

"Or what?" Blaise asked amused as I looked between them, a light pink colour rising to my cheeks while he kept his arm around me and I looked at Draco who was staring at Blaise

"I'll get that Aaron guy over here- or worse, Diggory"

"You're threatening him with Cedric?" I asked him laughing as he cast a side glance my way with a smirk as he glanced past me smugly

"Evening Cedric"

"Why do you have an arm around Amelia?" Cedric asked quietly as I leant my head back and watched as he narrowed his eyes at Blaise suspiciously making him draw his arm back as he hastily picked the fork up and started eating again

"Cedric, you really don't like Blaise, do you?" I asked laughing as he sat down in the seat next to me with a grin

"I never said I don't like him- I just don't like him having his arm around you"

"What if it was in a brotherly way?"

"It didn't look like a brotherly way to me- I told you in first year that from then on that you wouldn't be dating anyone for another three and a half years-"

"Yes but that's only because you thought I was dating Aaron-"

"Yes but you weren't, thankfully. And you won't be dating anyone for another six or seven months, or a year, depends on how I feel about the thought or you actually dating somebody-"

"It's a bit late for that" Draco scoffed as I whipped my head around to him and stared at him as he continued to look down at the table with an unreadable look until he eventually looked up and met my stare


"What did you mean by that?" Cedric asked as he too turned to him and he looked between us as Blaise looked up too and watched with a confused look as Draco forced out a hollow laugh before picking up his fork as he stabbed at the slice of pie on his plate, refusing to look up at us

"Exactly what I said-"

"Draco please don't-" I begged quietly as he continued to stare down at his plate as he stabbed his fork against his plate repeatedly

"What did you mean?"

"I meant that it's-"

"Draco, I don't think you should continue speaking right now" Blaise said to him quietly as he ignored him and finally looking up, he looked right past me and met Cedric's stare

"I meant that's it's a bit late for you to be telling her that she should wait to date somebody" he said to him with a shrug as he glanced at me for a split second and I stared at him with an empty feeling as Cedric turned to me

"Lia? What did he mean by that?"

"What did you think I meant? She's got a boyfriend Diggory, she's had one since last year and it doesn't look like she'll be letting him go for anybody" he said to him with a hint of bitterness to his voice as I slammed my fork down onto the table making the three of them jump as I stared at him and he looked at me with a look of slight shock

"Proud of yourself are you? Think you're being smart? Funny? Well fuck you Malfoy, I hate you and I hope you fucking know that" I shot at him quietly before standing up as I stalked out of the hall

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