|Chapter 147 : Mysterious Mail|

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"Good morning" I greeted Blaise as he sat next to me, my mood feeling better the past few days as Theodore had finally gone home for Christmas, as well as a lot of other students

"How're you feeling?"

"Good thanks, yourself?"

"I've been better"

"Still not talking to Draco?"

"Do you know why?" He asked curiously, turning to look at me as I shook my head and he gave a singular nod before grabbing a couple of pieces of toast

"We'll leave it that way then, would you like some toast?"

"I'm okay, thanks- Blaise, I'm okay I don't want toast" I told him after he started putting a couple of slices onto my plate as he shrugged and took a bite out of one of his own slices

"Genuinely are you okay though?"

"I will be, when he stops acting the way he does"

"What do you mean? Have you two done something?"

"No no, nothing like that. We just have differing opinions on matters" he explained, shrugging the conversation off as I have a nod and watched his small smile drop as he turned away from the entrance of the hall, Draco and Pansy both walking into the hall, making a beeline for us as we locked eyes and I had to bite back the small smile that was growing as I turned away, my cheeks flushing a faint pink colour as I quickly bit down on some toast as the two sat opposite us


"You two alright?" I asked as Pansy sighed, opening her mouth but getting cut off by a flutter of wings as everybody turned to the open window where owls started to flock in

"I swear, it would be just my luck for one of these owls to bloody shit on me"

"I've got my fingers crossed for you" I told her, locking eyes with her as I started laughing quietly, getting a grape thrown at me as we were met with a screech and we all turned, the Malfoy family eagle owl flying down towards us with two large boxes in its grip, landing down next to Draco as he peered at his owl confused before exchanging some toast for the two boxes and flattening the owls feathers before it took off again and he took a bite of toast, looking at the boxes confused

"Draco? What's your owls name?" I asked curiously as he looked at me and shrugged, a grin taking over him as he caught the look on my face

"You don't know your owls name?"

"No, am I meant to?"

"Draco, he's your family owl you should know his name" I told him laughing as he looked back at me with a smirk, looking away a moment later before showing Pansy one of the boxes, an intrigued look getting the better of her

"Can I open it?"

"No, Parkinson, it's not addressed to you" he scoffed before setting a box on the space beside him before reaching over with the other one and holding it out to me as I stared at him

"On you go"


"It's for you"

"What is it?"

"I have no idea.... But you can take the box" he told me, giving me a nod to do so as I warily grabbed it, it having a surprising amount of weight to it as I peered at it confused, my name labelled beautifully in cursive along the top of the box as I slowly untied the string around it, letting the brown packing paper fall away as I looked at the black velvet box with a dark blue lining as I unclasped the lid ever so slightly and peered in, my eyes widening as I snapped it shut, my hand darting over my mouth as I stared down at it and tried to hide my grin

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah... yeah... it's great"

"What's in there?"

"Nothing for you, Blaise. But... if you'll all excuse me" I said to them, nodding while getting up as I grabbed the box and quickly left the hall, grinning to myself as I sped down in the direction of the dorms.

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