|Chapter 78 : Blinds|

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"Oh! Um.... thingy and thingy were looking for you"

"You expect me to know who 'thingy and thingy' are?" I asked Blaise with my eyebrows raised as he paused before nodding slightly

"What do they look like?"

"Our house, tall, annoying-"

"Adrian and Miles"


"I didn't even ask. I already knew it'd be them" I said with a slight laugh as the compartment door opened and I shifted uncomfortably, turning my gaze to the window as I pressed my lips together tightly


"Shut the door Blaise"

"Amelia, no, I-"

"On it" Blaise told me with a grin as the compartment door was whacked shut and I started laughing while he sat back down and I turned, my smile dropping as I watched Holly and Oscar both try to yank it open from the other side while Blaise got back up and held it shut with ease as he gave a scoff


"I know. They're weak" I muttered quietly before he took a step away and they pulled the door open while I stood up next to Blaise as Holly looked at me

"Amelia, I need to talk to you"

"No you fucking don't"

"But I do!"

"Seriously, Amelia. You need to hear this-"

"No I fucking don't Oscar. I've heard nothing from the two of you since I left-"

"That's because mum didn't want us talking to you!"

"Then why are you talking to me now?" I asked Oscar with my lip curling as we stared at each other and he stayed quiet making me scoff slightly

"Exactly. Now do me a favour and clear off"

"But Amelia it's Nott! He said he'd take a-"

"If Theodore has something he needs to say to me, he'd tell me, not you-"

"We overheard him!"

"I don't care. Now fuck off" I told the two of them as I grabbed the door handle and slid the door shut forcefully before pulling the blinds down. Dropping back down I sighed while kicking my feet up, lying across the seats as Blaise sat down opposite me slowly


"Shut the fuck up Zabini" I said to him with a laugh as a grin started to grow and I watched him lean his head back and close his eyes with a quiet mumble

"You what?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it-"

"Jesus Christ don't do that!"

"Why not?"

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