|Chapter 92 : Yes... to Everything|

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"Amelia!" Looking up, I watched as Draco walked towards me as quick as he could while throwing a smirk over his shoulder to Blaise who was a bit behind and struggling to catch up as he dropped down onto the bench in front of me grinning as I raised an eyebrow at him

"Can you promise me something?"


"Good- anything I ask today you have to say yes to, okay?"

"Em... yes" I mumbled confused as he glanced at Blaise who was only a couple of meters away as he quickly grabbed my hand making my spoon go flying as he shook it

"Damn you to hell Draco!" Blaise said loudly as he dropped down onto the bench beside him and shot him a look after catching sight of the overly smug look on his face as I sat there confused while an amused smile started to grow on my face as the two looked at me

"I don't know what's happening and that scares me" I said quietly as I let a laugh get the better of me and Blaise sat there with a small smile as I looked past them and to the Gryffindor table where I raised an eyebrow at Ron who sat there glaring at me

"What are you looking at?"

"Weasley. He's just glaring at me. Probably still moping over how I beat his ass in that duel last year" I scoffed as they both turned around at the same time and he turned away before they looked back at me with smirks

"That had to have of been the best thing I had ever seen- that's going to stay with me forever" Blaise said amused as I looked around confused

"What are you looking for?"

"My spoon- Oh" I said quietly as I looked to where it had landed as I glanced at my bowl of porridge before looking to Draco

"That was your doing"

"I know, so I'll take the blame"

"I know you will" I said laughing before looking at my bowl sadly and pushing it away

"Why aren't you eating it?"

"Well I can't, can I?" I asked Blaise laughing as he shook his head amused and picked his spoon up

"You know, I would give you mine, but I'm going to use it"

"Take my spoon Lia, I'm not going to use it"

"Blaise, you're a prick, I thought you loved me- and thank you Draco, at least you love me enough to-"

"I do love you, but like in a brotherly sisterly way-"

"Oh my god someone loves me- well there's a first for everything I suppose"

"I don't know whether to find that funny or sad" a voice laughed from behind as I turned around and smiled at Cedric as he took the seat beside me

"I found it funny, and true" I said to him as I picked my goblet up and was about to take a drink as something was waved around in front of my face and I followed it with a confused look as I slowly lowered my goblet back down onto the table

"What's that?"

"Take a guess"

"But there's so much to guess from- hey! I was going to use that!" I said to Draco after he had taken the spoon back as he looked at me

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