|Chapter 62 : No Explanations|

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"Do you want to tell me what this is all about?!"

"Get the fuck out of my room" I told Sirius loudly after my bedroom door had banged open and I turned my head, looking at him as he stood in my doorway with opened letter clamped tightly in his hand as I jumped to my feet

"What the fuck?! Why did you open my letter?!"

"What's this all about?!"

"Well I wouldn't know because I haven't read it, have I?!" I asked loudly as I drew my wand and instantly summoned it, it flying straight from his hand and into mine

"Since when did you get invitations to Recanera Parlo?"

"Since when did you think that it was responsible or reasonable or even acceptable to read my mail?" I asked with my eyebrows raised, pressing my lips together forcefully before walking from my room and moving past him, walking back downstairs as I headed to the kitchen to dig the original invitation out as he followed


"That doesn't answer my question you know" I muttered annoyed as the kitchen door opened and I turned around, Nadia standing there as she stared between us

"What the fuck is this all about?!"

"She's been invited to-!"

"So what if I have been?! It's an invitation for me, not you!"

"What invitation-?"

"You don't need to know"

"But I want to-"

"Oh my god Nadia! You've never paid attention to me my whole life before so why are you trying to butt in now? Getting bored because Holly isn't around?" I asked annoyed as I felt my skin start to turn cold while she looked at me

"That's not true Amelia, I just-"

"What's happened then? Is your job as a mother not going so well?" I snapped at her as she stared back at me, narrowing her eyes as she failed to shift her gaze

"Sirius, leave the kitchen-"



"Nadia?" Gripping at the top of the chair next to me as tight as I could, my knuckles started turning white while Kingsley appeared in the kitchen and I gritted my teeth together annoyed

"What is this? A fucking get together?!" I asked loudly as Kingsley turned to me, as if going as slow as possible as he raised his eyebrows at me slightly, taking a pause before talking quietly

"What's happening-?"

"I'm trying to find out what she got invited to-!"

"Recanera Parlo, okay?! You've finally got the information you wanted, now you can stop pestering me!"


"Well then I'll take it upon myself to leave-"

"I meant no as in you're not going" she told me after I had walked past them all, stopping in the hall just beside the bottom of the stairs as I turned back and stared at her

"You what?"

"You're not going-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No, you're not going and that's it-"

"Since when did you think you had the right to tell me what I can and can't do?"

"I've had the right to do so since I became your mother"

"Since becoming my mother? You don't want to be my mother!-"

"Now stop it Amelia, come on. I'll make it up to you if you want-" Kingsley offered as I shook my head and stared past him and to Nadia while I looked at her ludicrously

"But why can't I go?"

"I've told you why no-"

"No you haven't! You've just said that I can't!-"

"You can get anything you want-"

"I never get what I want. Never" I told Kingsley after he had interrupted again, trying his best to diffuse the situation as Nadia let out a scoff and looked at me before turning between the other two

"You hear that?"

"Not what 'I' want! It's always got to be what you say! You never think about me!"

"Now come on now Amelia, I said I'd make it up to you-"

"You're being too soft with her-"

"Oh aye, you think you're that good. You talk to her" Kingsley snapped at Sirius as I looked to him, hiding my slight surprise as Sirius stayed silent, his lips tightly pressed together as Kingsley turned back to me

"Amelia, please listen-"

"I never wanted to come back here- I never want to. This is why!" I told him, directing the last part to Nadia as the irritated look on Sirius's face grew even more and he straightened up, staring right at me

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