|Chapter 141 : Two of the Same|

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Furrowing my brows in confusion I hummed the tune of the waltz quietly to myself while I raised my hands to where the would rest as I tried to figure out the dance. Dropping my hands I glared at the floor with my hands on my hips

"Why won't you help me?" I whined before trying to blow my hair out of my face as I raised my hands again

"Struggling?" Blaise asked amused as I tripped over my feet and spun around and faced him with an annoyed look

"Piss off Blaise" I huffed as I looked back down at the floor while the door shut and I glanced back up as he leant against the closed door

"I was being serious" he told me as I turned my head back to the floor and watched my feet as I tried to do it one more time

"Do you need help?" He asked sincerely as I shook my head

"I'll get it" I mumbled as I raised my hands and quietly hummed to myself again as I started doing it before stopping as I kept my foot raised, a confused look on my face as I tilted my head and stared at the floor before I put my foot down unsurely with a raised eyebrow as his feet appeared in front of mine and he took ahold of my hand before placing my other on his shoulder as he gently rested his hand against my waist

"Do you mind?" He asked motioning to his hand as I shook my head

"Follow me okay? Because I'm pretty sure you have two left feet" he said as he started to slowly move his feet while quietly humming the tune

"I most certainly do not have two left feet" I argued as I looked up at him and he raised an eyebrow at me before I looked back down at our feet again, stumbling slightly as I messed it up and stopped, watching as he continued to go around before pausing

"Are you alright?" He asked as I nodded

"What's wrong?"

"What? Nothing. Everything's good" I told him quietly with a smile as he moved his hands away from me and I glanced up at him as he stared at me

"That is the biggest heap of shit I've ever heard" he said with a slightly raised eyebrow and a small growing smile as I gave a small shrug and let out a sigh before moving away and dropping myself down onto my bed as he took the space beside me

"What's happened then?"

"Nothing" I mumbled as I held my head in my hands

"Like, literally nothing"

"So... what's up?" He asked again as I dropped my hands and stared at the floor in front of us

"I don't know"

"How not? Are you alright?"

"I don't know, yeah I guess so. It's just-I don't know how to say it" I told him quietly while I felt him stare at me

"Do you want me to get Draco?"

"No, it doesn't matter who I'm talking to. I just, don't know how to put it-....It's like a sick feeling in my stomach, not an ill feeling but a nervous one. Like something isn't right, something is going to happen and I don't know what and it's bugging me" I explained to him before dropping backwards onto my bed as I stared up at the drapes above me

"It just doesn't feel right at all-"

"How long?" He asked as I shrugged and sat up, staring at the two trunks in the room

"Since about late last night" I told him as he stared at me and leant his back against the bed post

"Well everyone and everything's fine- Millicent and Daphne have gone home for the holidays and Nott will have done the same by next week so let's just focus on something else yeah?" He suggested as I stayed quiet before finally nodding as he stood up and pulled me to my feet

"We can sort the dance and your two left feet out later" he said amused as I stuck my tongue out at him

"I don't have two left feet"

"In dancing you do" he told me as I shrugged

"I don't dance"

"I know you can"

"Let's not" I said laughing as I grabbed my black button up cloak as we left and he went to get his as we walked out of the common room and towards the snow covered grounds as we walked around the side of the frozen lake, the Durmstrang ship in sight

"It's weird to think it's frozen on the top and not underneath" I said to him as I jumped down onto the banking and towards the edge of the frozen surface as I tapped it with my foot before walking out onto it

"Don't do that Amelia" Blaise called from behind me as I turned around smiling

"Blaise- I am perfectly fine. Why would I do anything stupid?" I asked him from the centre of the ice as I slid into the splits and he grimaced while I tried to get back up



"I can't get up! I keep slipping!" I yelled laughing as I tried to stand up but slid back down as I sat there laughing

"Help me" I shouted laughing as he stared at me

"Definitely not- I'll fall"

"Who has two left feet now?" I asked grinning as I started to push myself to my feet and successfully stood up as I laughed at myself before running a bit as I slid across the ice

"Please get off of there Lia" Blaise said from the side as I nodded and slid towards him before climbing up the banking, grabbing a handful of snow on the way as I made my way over to him and pressed the snow against his head laughing as he wiped it off grumbling

"You'll pay for that one Lia" he said with an annoyed look before a smile crossed his face

"Only if you're fast enough" I smirked as he stared at me confused before I turned and ran in the opposite direction grinning as he chased after me shouting

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