|Chapter 160 : Awake|

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Opening my eyes I looked about the hospital wing as I scrunched my face up at the pain spread through almost every inch of me before attempting to push myself up, stopping instantly as I lay there in agony, having very limited feeling across my body as tears started pricking at my eyes as a burning feeling spread through my throat and I slowed my breathing down, listening to the conversation outside the curtains surrounding my bed

"If she doesn't wake up I'm afraid we might have to transfer her to St Mungo's"

"There has to be something you can do Poppy- anything"

"Not when she isn't awake Nadia- it's too risky, the healers have done everything they can. With the bruising to her throat I can already tell she won't be able to talk or eat properly for weeks, months even"

"What if she does wake up? What will happen then?"

"She'll have to stay here for awhile so I can monitor her properly- preferably without her friends trying to get into the wing" Pomfrey said with a slight sigh of irritability as I looked about, seeing my wand lying on the table next to me as I raised my arm, slowly moving it over as my joints ached and I brought it back down due to the pain

"I'm the worst parent in the fucking world" Nadia mumbled as I breathed in deeply, raising my arm again slowly as my fingers grazed my wand as I tried to roll it towards me, it slowly moving closer as I went to grab it, it slipping front my fingers before landing on the floor with a bang emitting for the end of it as the sound of footsteps thudding against the floor met my ears and the curtain was drawn back, Nadia and Pomfrey standing there as Nadia came over and pulled me into a gentle hug as I pulled a face while I felt the pain course through the entirety of my body

"I'm so so sorry Amelia, I shouldn't have of let that happen" she said quietly as her hold got slightly tighter and I shook my head, trying to talk but no noise came out

"Don't try to talk Miss Black it won't do you any good- but at least you're up" Pomfrey said before shuffling towards the bed I was on as she re-drew the curtains and Nadia took the spot on the bed beside me, while she gently grabbed my hand while I slightly raised my hand and pointed to where the doors were

"No one is coming in Miss Black. At least not yet"

"Your friends: Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne and Cedric. They've all been waiting outside there everyday since you got here, Cedric has already been in, but I think that Professor McGonagall is wanting to talk with them about you after this class ends. You know, a lot of people have been coming here to see if you were alright- all houses, all years, all schools. The Slytherin team were outside a day or so ago, Nathan and the team are all asking about you as well" she told me as I gave a slight nod and listened as the hospital wing doors swung open and Pomfrey looked up before shuffling out with an irritated look

"I made it quite clear that this girl was to be left alone- I'm afraid that goes for you too headmaster" she said as I stared down at my leggings, realising I wasn't in my uniform but instead a vest as the curtain was drawn back

"Nadia- a word please if you don't mind. Miss Black" he greeted, his smile and twinkle in his eyes gone- replaced with an unreadable look

"We're glad to see you awake" he told me quietly as I gave a slight shrug as I glanced at him and I watched his eyes travel my face as I looked away while he led my mum from the hospital wing and I listened as the door swung shut while Pomfrey left and drew the curtain again as I sat back on the bed and glanced around before holding my hand above the floor where my wand was, concentrating as hard as I could as it soon raised itself into my hand and I sighed, flicking it lazily as my blanket appeared in front of me and I drew it over myself as I curled up as much as I could

I woke up awhile later as my shoulder was tapped and I stared around the dark hospital wing

"Amelia. I'm over this side" a voice said quietly as I turned my head to the side as I stared at Hermione through the dark and she placed something in my hands as she flicked her wand, casting a small glow around the bed as I stared at the whiteboard and pen she placed in my hold before she moved onto the bed in front of me

"I know you can't talk and I don't think it would be very useful if you just sat around here not being able to actually communicate with people" she told me quietly as a small smile took over my face as I took the lid off the pen with slight difficulty and wrote on the board with struggle, my writing messy but readable

Thank you

I showed her it as she smiled and tried to hide her laughter as to not get caught and I quickly cleared it before writing on it again

How did you not get caught?

"I borrowed Harry's cloak" she said grinning as I smiled at her before writing on the board again

Sneaky. Sorry, I haven't really had a chance to talk to anyone- who would've thought?

I showed her it with silent laughter as she smiled at me

"I kinda presumed that" she told me laughing as a grin grew on my face and I drew a small smiley face on the board, showing her it I watched as she laughed with a shake of her head as my smile dropped and I quickly wrote back on the board before setting it on the bed for her to see

It's bad isn't it?

Her smile faltered as she turned to me while I stared at the board

"I'm sorry Amelia" she said quietly as I shrugged and picked the board up

It's not your fault

A small sad smile crossed her face as she looked back at me

"You're going to say that to everyone... they've been trying to get in every day you know. Once they found out you were awake today they stayed out there trying to get in until it was curfew" she told me as I furrowed my eyebrows

"Malfoy, Zabini, Parkinson, Greengrass and Cedric. Viktor was wanting to come in and make sure you were alright as well, as well as another two or three guys. Fleur too" she said as my eyes widened and I tapped the bed frantically as she laughed at me as I quickly picked the board up and scribbled on it

The task!! Has Harry or Viktor figured out the egg?

"No, not yet-" she started to say as a door opened and we whipped towards the sound of where it came from and I watched as she threw the cloak over herself and she disappeared

"Is that you Miss Black?" Pomfrey called out as I wiped the board clean and showed it to where she was last sitting

As if I'll answer

I listened as she let out a quiet giggle

"I've got to go but I'll come back tomorrow if I'm able to" she whispered as her footsteps lightly made a sound on the floor and she slipped through the curtains as they billowed slightly and I turned my head back on the pillows

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