|Chapter 117: Problematic Wanderings|

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"And go to sleep, please" nodding silently I walked from Cedric while he went the opposite way and I headed into the common room, now empty apart from a few people as I headed down towards my dorm, closing the door behind me as I looked about to both pansy and daphne who had whipped around to the door

"There you are!"

"Everybody has been wondering where the fuck you've been!"

"Oh, well, nowhere exciting" I muttered to the two of them before going to my trunk and pulling out my jumper, an unopened letter from Nathan falling out with it as I put it back into my trunk while I pulled it on with my back to the two of them


"What?" I asked irritably, turning around and staring between the two of them as they stood shoulder to shoulder

"Where have you been?"

"I was with Cedric, is it that much of a problem?"

"It is when you disappear for hours on end and when you come back you're covered head to toe in bloody bruises and cuts-"

"Don't worry too much, I didn't do it to myself-"

"Exactly! So someone else done it to you! Do you see why we've been worried shitless?" Pansy asked loudly as she threw down her cardigan annoyed and paced to the other side of the room agitated

"Oh stop being so fucking dramatic-"

"Dramatic? All I'm doing is caring about you Amelia yet I still apparently seem to be doing that wrong and too much by the looks of it!"

"I'm not asking you to care funnily enough Parkinson! And even if I was needing someone to help and look after me you wouldn't be at the top of my fucking list!" I shouted at her, my hands becoming cold  as Daphne stared between the two of us anxiously

"Can we just drop this please-?"

"Oh of course I fucking wouldn't be! The only person you seemed to be concerned about is Nott! And that's even more so than yourself which must be a challenge because we all know how selfish and self-absorbed you are!" She shouted back at me as I let out a scream of rage, the entirety of my arms both pure white and covered in small crystals of frost while I drew my wand from my back pocket and pointed it at her as she instinctively done the same, Daphne's shouts not meeting either of our ears as I took a step towards her, my voice slow and quiet

"Insult me one more time Parkinson and I wont hesitate in firing two warning shots into your head" I threatened as I gritted my teeth, my wand being pried from my hand as I turned my head, looking at Blaise who had stepped in front of Pansy with his back to me while Draco pocketed my wand away

"Take a breather, okay?"

"Take some lessons in basic consideration too, it might teach you how to respect people that want to help" Pansy spat as I shouted in rage, making a lunge towards her around Blaise as I was grabbed from behind, my feet leaving the floor as I was turned away from her, Draco mumbling quietly in my ear

"Walk it off"

"No I-"

"Amelia, listen to me and go and walk it off, I'll come with you"

"Please don't because I'll get annoyed at you too and I don't want that to happen"

"Are you going to walk it off and calm down?"

"I will-"

"And will you find me afterwards?"

"I will"


"I promise"

"Okay, don't be gone too long, alright?" letting go of me I gave a brief and silent nod as I vanished away from the slytherin common room as fast as I could, running up stairs until I was a few floors up. running up a spiral staircase I opened the door to Nadia's quarters, finding it empty as I went into the bathroom, washing my hands as they slowly started going back to some form of a normal colour as I turned around from the bathroom, looking at Nadia who had just walked in



"Are you alright?"


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