|Chapter 34 : Tight Hold|

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"Hey Lia- practice starts in fifteen" Draco told me from the common room entrance as I looked up from the book I was reading and nodded from where I sat beside Theodore who had his arm wrapped around me, his mood having lightened ever so slightly

"Yeah, I'll meet you down there in a couple of minutes" I told him as he nodded and left the common room while I shut my book and stretched my legs slightly before pushing myself into a sitting position

"I'll see you in a couple of hours" I said to him as I turned my head towards him while he clutched at my shoulder slightly

"Are you alright?"

"Come straight back here, yeah?"

"Of course I will. Where do you think I'll go?" I asked laughing as he raised his eyebrows at me and I sighed slightly

"I'll be back" I told him as he nodded and let go of my shoulder as I stood up with my book under my arm and quickly went to my dorm and changed as confusion lingered inside me before I left and headed to the pitch

"How do you always manage to make it down with a minute to spare?"

"I have absolutely no clue- it's a gift" I said to Flint laughing as I walked into the pitch and looked to where they were all huddled together a bit away

"Well come on then, we don't have long" he told us as he glanced at us all before kicking off as I quickly joined them all in the air. An hour or so later I flew past Draco and stopped momentarily as I spoke to him quickly

"Bottom left hand corner of the goals you can see it glimmering" I told him rapidly as he stared at me before I flew off and quickly caught the quaffle Flint threw my way while I darted between players and threw it towards Miles, watching as he just caught it and I hit my handle annoyed while he threw it back to me and I done a lap of the pitch before throwing it back as it went through the hoop and I watched as Draco pulled out of the dive with the snitch in his hand and we were called to the ground

"Took you long enough" I said to him laughing after I had landed as I went over to him

"I couldn't make out what you said but I did catch on"


"Eventually" he agreed as we both laughed as Flint spoke to us- his words not reaching my ears and soon enough I was pulled out of my thoughts as everybody around me started to walk away

"I forgot to ask- but when I came into the common room earlier, why did Nott have his arm around you?" Draco asked me as we left the changing room after putting our stuff away and changing as I wrapped my jacket around me

"Oh, that. I wasn't feeling well and he just sat with me for awhile" I lied to him as we climbed up the hill and he looked at me

"Are you alright?"

"What? Yeah, I'm fine"


"Draco" I countered as we walked through the entrance hall and started to make our way down to the common room as he raised his eyebrows at me and I refused to look at him

"I'm fine!" I told him laughing as I turned around and looked at him smiling as he kept an eyebrow raised at me and I quickly changed the subject as I looked at my watch

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