|Chapter 97 : Misplaced Concern|

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Walking into the hall the next morning I quickly scanned the table, not seeing Theodore anywhere as I sat down at an empty part and looked up, meeting Cedric's stare as he raised his eyebrows at me and I gave a nod, watching as he slowly looked away, an unsure look on his face as Daphne dropped down in front of me, blocking my line of sight as I turned to her

"I swear I've never seen you disappear down into the dorm so quickly before"


"Last night. After practice. You were gone in a flash"

"Oh right, yeah"


"I was just tired. And the pitch was muddy so I wanted a shower"

"I didn't see any mud on you"

"That's because I disappeared so quickly you didn't have time to focus on me and my appearance"

"...fair point" she mumbled, a slightly surprised look as I tried my best to offer a smile as I felt the bench sink down beside me as I leant against Blaise tiredly

"What's with you?"

"You asked that in such a bitchy way"

"I always do"

"That's very true" I muttered quietly, reaching for an apple as Draco sat down in front of us with Pansy as I refused to make eye contact and dropped the apple back down and crossed my arms as my mind went haywire, my hands growing clammy as I zoned out. Drawing my attention back to what was happening the seat beside me was taken as I felt a hand land heavily on my knee under the table with a tight grip, nails piercing into my skin as I forced myself to control the flinch that almost got the better of me as I glanced at Nott out of the corner of my eye, a cold and numb feeling sweeping over me.



"For the second time, turn around" Pansy laughed as I turned my head slightly, finding Aaron behind me as I forced a small smile onto my face

"I've been trying to talk to you for about five minutes now"

"Sorry, what is it?"

"Can I talk with you?"

"Yeah, of course-"


"Well he obviously means now, doesn't he?" I snapped at Theodore as the pain in my leg grew worse and he stared at me with a hidden intensity as I held the stare while reaching under the table for my bag before smacking his hand away forcefully and standing as I climbed over the bench, leaving with Aaron without saying another word as we headed outside and he turned his head to me

"Everything alright?"


"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah it's all fine" I told him as I lead him down to the lake, sitting down on a log as I dropped my bag to my feet and avoided putting any pressure on my knee as I looked to him

"You good?"

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks"

"So what's up?"

"My dad was actually talking to me last night..."



"Care to enlighten me?"

"Well it's actually about Nadia-"

"Ew that's disgusting-"


"The thought of her makes me want to throw up-"


"I'm sickened by the fact she's classed as my mother-"

"Amelia, stop"

"I don't even want to know what this is about-"

"She's concerned-"

"Not about me" I scoffed as I kicked my bag, propping my head up in my hand as he looked at me curiously

"Should she be concerned about you? Should I be?"

"I just said it because she doesn't care about me Aaron. And even if I was in a situation like that, she still wouldn't give two shits. That's all I'm saying" I told him with a sigh as I propped my head in my hand, my elbow resting on my knee as I jumped in pain, instantly moving as he stared at me

"What was that about?"

"My knee's in pain"

"Why? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just bruised" I mumbled, lying through my teeth as I avoided my knee and I looked at him as he tried to contain his laughter

"I don't want to know why it's bruised-"

"You dirty minded little whore"

"Wow, that's some great word choice" he scoffed as we both laughed and he shook his head slightly before looking to me

"Seriously though, I need to talk to you about this Nadia situation"

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