|Chapter 191 : Honourable Hits|

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"Ready to go?" Nodding I watched as Draco packed my robes into his bag and swung it over his shoulder as we left the dorms and slowly made our way through the corridors

Why have you guys still been practicing?

"Just due to boredom I think"

And how often do you actually go?"

"I usually don't" he admitted shrugging as I looked at him amused before knocking his shoulder as he turned to me with his eyebrow raised

You should be going!

"Should be, but it felt pointless half the time. Plus, if I couldn't be bothered and I was asked why I wasn't there I'd just say I was sitting outside the hospital wing-"

You used me as an excuse?!

"Quite a few times-" cutting him off I slapped his arm laughing as he gave me a grin, walking past Myrtles bathroom as I stared at the door as we got nearer and I felt his arm wrapping around my shoulders as I pulled myself away from my thoughts and turned to look at the amused look on his face

"To clarify: I was outside the hospital wing when I said to them I was"

I'm pretty sure you started sleeping out there

"Almost did at one point. But then Professor McGonogall came around and told me I should head back to my dorm and that I could visit again in the morning"

Did you get into trouble?

"No, she walked me back a little and told me that you were doing okay and were keeping up with your work and that you were getting your usual high marks and she then told me that I didn't need to be worrying as much as I was since you were being taken care of" he explained quietly while we walked through the entrance hall and outside to the grounds, a slightly warm feeling crossing my face as I glanced at him, slipping my arm around him while I caught sight of the pitch, a smile crossing my face

She's right though, you didn't need to be worrying as much as you were

"Amelia, of course I did" he scoffed quietly, giving me a look with his eyebrows raised as I shook my head silently, unconsciously tightening my grip as we diverted ourselves into the changing room, closing the door behind me while he sat his bag down onto the bench and took my cloak out and unfolded them and passed me them as I pulled them on and I was turned around as he started tying the tassels for me and I looked up at him, my eyes scanning his face as a look of concentration grew

"Did you hear me?"


"I just said that these might come loose is all, you're going to need to get the ties replaced before next year" he advised quietly as he glanced at me briefly while he finished tying it off in a bow and straightened up, his hands on my shoulders as he straightened my hood out for me before looking to me again, both of us silent. Reaching forward I glanced away, starting to tie his tassels for him as he cleared his throat and I finished a moment later with a small smile as I was turned around, his hands on my shoulders as we were walked from the changing room and out to the pitch, looking to the three people who were standing together throwing a quaffle between them as we got closer

"Look who finally showed up!"

"Fuck me you brought company!" Feeling a smile grow on my face I watched as Adrian squinted through the sunlight, Miles standing confused while Lucian pushed past them, reaching us as his hand went to mess my hair up and I smacked him away laughing

"How are you?"

Better thank you, yourself?"

"Better now" he laughed as I gave him a smile, watching as he turned to the other two grinning as they walked over slowly, Miles with a slightly sheepish look on his face as I crossed my arms over my chest, biting back my amused look when they stood in front of us




"Lia, I'm sorry for how invasive we were when I was in the hospital wing-"

I can't believe you let him hit you just to get into the wing to talk to me

Laughing I watched as an amused look grew on their faces and they looked at each other before Miles came over, hugging me tightly with his head dropped onto my shoulder

I'm quite honoured

"I'm still really sorry"

It's okay

"Right, shift it Bletchley" feeling him move away I smiled at Adrian as he pulled me against him with a grin and hugging me tight before turning me around with his arms locked around my neck while I leant my back against him

"I suppose this ought to be a good time to tell you two that we cancelled practice tonight. We just couldn't be bothered"

"You let us walk all the way down here for nothing?"

"Well we didn't know you had Amelia with you, had we known we would've sat in the common room with a couple of glasses of butterbeer instead!"

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