|Chapter 103 : Little Trips|

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"I swear I'm probably covered in bruises"

"What do you mean?"

"You were fucking kicking the shit out of me throughout the whole night"

"Well did you deserve it?"

"I was trying to sleep how could I do anything to make me deserve to be kicked?" I asked quietly as I tried to open my eyes enough to look at Blaise as he kept his head on the pillow with his eyes glued shut while a tired smile grew on his face

"I know why you deserved it"

"And why's that?"

"You stole my bed-"

"You let me sleep here you moron you can only blame yourself-"

"No. I'm going to blame LJ, because he was the one that let you have the trifle"

"Hey. Leave LJ out of this"


"Why not?"

"Again, he let you eat trifle"

"Well he wasn't exactly going to stop me, was he?"

"He could've. And should've-"

"But wasn't going to because he doesn't give two shits if it doesn't effect him"

"That's a fair point-"

"Zabini, no. Don't turn out like him. You're on the good side. You always care"

"No I don't"

"No I know, I'm just trying to make it sound like you're a good person"

"What do you mean 'sound like'?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

"Well considering you-"

"Will you two give it a rest?" Turning over a smile formed on my face as Draco lifted his head from his pillow ever so slightly, his hair sticking up a bit as he glanced to his watch before looking back to me

"How long have you been through here?"

"Since around half two-"

"Nearly three"

"Blaise you sound like you're complaining-"


"You are"

"That's because I was woken up by a very unhappy Daphne and an overly hyper you"

"Why was she hyper?"


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