|Chapter 152 : Mistletoe|

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"Come with me" Draco mumbled from behind me, taking the glass from my hand and setting it down while he took ahold of my hand as he walked us out of the hall, his black dress robes billowing slightly making a small smile cross my face as he turned around and looked at me with a grin

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly as he led me around the school

"You'll see" he told me, not looking around at me as I stopped for a moment and he turned as I undone my shoe straps and held my heels in one hand as he took ahold of the other hand and continued to lead me down the corridor

"I wondered how you were taller" he said smirking as he walked by my side as I swung the heels about

"They're not even that big though- and I'm not that small" I said to him laughing as he sent me a look

"Compared to me and Zabini you are"

"Yeah but thats because Blaise is tall as fuck. And you're not that much taller than me" I told him smiling as he turned to me- having to look down

"That's only because I took the heels off" I grumbled as he laughed and led me down a set of stairs before stopping

"What's up?" I asked as a smirk crossed his face and he pointed up as I followed his gaze

"Oh" I mumbled surprised as he pointed at the mistletoe above us and I looked back at him as my cheeks turned a light pink colour and he looked at me with a smirk plastered on his face before leaning forward as he brought me into a kiss and his hands rested on my hips while I placed my hands on either side of his face and I went on my tip toes ever so slightly, my feet against the cold stone floor while one of his hands moved and rested on the back of my neck as his fingers ran through my hair ever so slightly and I pulled back- the two of us only centimetres apart

"Draco- you know we can't do this" I mumbled quietly as I dropped down from my tip toes and moved my arms as I locked them behind his neck and we stared at each other while he moved his hand from my neck to where it originally was

"I do- but he's not here, remember?" He reminded me quietly with a small smile as I nodded

"I know, but at least he wasn't my first"

"What do you mean by your first?"

"Kiss" I added as he stared at me wide eyed

"Seriously?" He asked as I nodded laughing at the look on his face

"So I was your first kiss?" He asked again as I nodded and a smug grin took over his face

"Although counting the last time and the time before that as well- either way it was still you"

"Well that's certainly made this night better- but come on I still want to show you something" he told me amused as he took my hand again and quickly led me down the next set of stairs as we made our way to the entrance hall where I quickly put my shoes back on

"Where are we going?" I asked after walking down the front steps as he carefully put his hands over my eyes

"Oh come on, this cannot be safe"

"You trust me, right?"

"Of course I do- I just don't trust myself" I told him as I tried not to fall as both of our laughs echoed through the cold night

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