|Chapter 173 : Replies|

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Watching Nott straighten up from over me I refused to move, my body in agony as my eyes stayed fixated on him and he brushed his robes down- my eyes burning with the abundance of growing tears. Watching him lean down with his hand at the side of my head he held his head just by mine

"I'll see you soon, Amelia" he mumbled quietly in my ear, kissing my cheek gently before standing and vanishing, the tears running down my cheeks as I lay there with throbbing arms as I heard the hospital wing door close and I rubbed frantically at my eyes. The late March sun starting to shine through the windows as I sat there breathing heavily, on the verge of hyperventilating as I tried to calm myself down as I turned to the table. Looking at the black box that Miles had tried to get me to open almost two weeks ago still sitting there as I finally gave in and reached across for it, holding my arms in pain after grabbing it as I sat up and untied the ribbon before prying the box open, feeling the tears soon start streaming down my face as I looked at the signet ring and slipped it onto my finger, the Malfoy family emblem and the letter 'M' standing clear on the polished ring before pulling out the little slip of parchment, reading the words of affection and the pleading for my response to his letters as my heart broke at Dracos words, grabbing my pillow and hugging it tightly as I hid my face in it, trying to calm myself down.

Standing up off my bed a while later I stretched my legs, still standing unsteady on my feet as I held the bed for support at times as I finally plucked up the courage and grabbed some books and parchment off the floor, sitting back down and pulling the table over with my quill as I started working through everything. Finally getting through a few assignments later my stomach cramped painfully, sitting there starving as I looked at the stack of potions as I reached over and poured some into a small glass for myself, slowly trying to drink it as my throat kept tightening as I tried to swallow as much as I could, finally feeling the cramps disappear as I felt content, feeling as if I'd just ate a whole meal as I started packing my work into a box for all the different professors as I took a break and laid down, holding Dracos jumper to my chest as I cuddled it with a sigh, closing my eyes while holding it tightly.

Sitting up awhile later I got out of bed, peeking around the side of the curtain to make sure nobody was in sight as I reached around and grabbed a stack of things from the floor and pulled them around to me as I sat down cross legged and separated them into piles, a stack of letters from Draco continually growing as I grabbed them all and climbed up onto the bed, tearing them open and reading through them one by one

As days go by I feel myself growing closer and closer and I feel as if part of me is suddenly coming out of its shy spot and wanting to feel what it feels like to be loved again. Waiting and wanting you has been the focus of my thoughts these days, I don't ever want to lose this feeling. I don't ever want to lose you. Please, Amelia, just give me a response, even a little one. I don't want to risk losing you when you're in that hospital wing- the thought of such a thing is tormenting me and I just want you to know that we're here... I'm here, and we just want you back when you're ready to come back. Just please let us know you're okay.


With all the letters being of the same pleading and I finally stopped the tears I finally managed to pull myself together, grabbing a clean piece of parchment and writing my response, one piece of parchment soon becoming two, then three, and then finally a fourth as I squeezed them into an envelope with his name scrawled across the front while I tucked his letters under my pillow, leaving everything out on the chair outside my curtain so they could be dropped off in the morning as I climbed back into bed, the sun having set as I pulled my blanket up to my chin.

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