|Chapter 146 : Bedside Apologies|

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Standing in the entrance hall I struggled to pull the door shut behind me, my body stiff and frozen and my clothes soaked as I moved slowly through the dark halls, my skin on fire and feet scuffing the floor. Keeping my eyes down I wrapped my arms around myself as I struggled down the stairs, faintly hearing footsteps as I reached the last flight of stairs leading down into the dungeons, the walk feeling like it took a lifetime as my limbs continued to grow heavier as I grabbed the railing for support with one hand while I kept the other around me

"Miss Black" lifting my head ever so slightly I stood on the bottom step completely still as Professor Snape stood at the end of the hall, staring at me through the dim lighting as I watched him look me up and down

"What've you been up to? You should be in your dorm"

"I'm sorry professor"

"What were you doing?"

"I got lost sir" I lied quietly, not able to stop my body shaking from the cold as I continued to walk slowly, my arms going back around me as I tried to keep any form of heat I had left and I eventually got nearer to him, keeping my eyes on my red and blotchy feet as he remained silent and I went to shuffle past him, his arm extending outwards to stop me as I stood quietly

"Lost? In your fourth year?"

"Yes sir"

"You need to come up with some more creative lies Miss Black, saying you were lost is as foolish as it could be-" stopping himself short his arm slowly lowered as I turned my head around, noticing a familiar clanking sound as I watched Mad-Eye Moody hobble towards us down the corridor

"Severus, Miss Black"

"Mad-eye" I greeted quietly, struggling to get my words out as he gave me a small nod, licking his lip as usual while Snape remained silent

"What've you got your students out of bed for at this time of night, Snape? Haven't you got better things to be doing-"

"Miss Black happened to be already out of bed, I thought I'd take the opportunity to ask about the missing items from my ingredients cabinet while also finding out why she desires to be wandering the school at such an hour"

"Missing ingredients?"

"That is what I said, Mad-eye"

"You don't really think this girl would steal off you, it would more likely to be her sister" he called out as we stayed silent and I glanced back at Snape who was staring at Mad-Eye with slightly narrowed eyes before Moody nodded at me

"She looks like she's been swimming, not stealing" he pointed out before drawing his wand as I darted backwards, watching him flick it as I closed my eyes tight, opening them slowly when I felt a weight around my shoulders and I looked at the thick woollen blanket as I huddled into it, giving him a small nod of appreciation as he tucked his wand away and I felt Snape's eyes pierce my skull

"Back to your dormitory, Miss Black.... Hopefully you know your way" nodding silently I turned around, shuffling back down the corridor as I eventually made it to the common room, wandering over to the small lit fire as I collapsed down next to it, my name being called quietly as I turned my head, my eyes barely open as my face was grabbed

"Amelia-? Merlin, you're freezing- I- wait here!" Barely watching Draco vanish I leant my head back against the fireplace, soon feeling another weight over me as I looked down, my duvet wrapped tightly around my legs as I was pulled towards him, my head against his shoulder as I closed my eyes

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