|Chapter 80 : Arrivals|

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"I'd like to make an announcement. The castle will not only be your home this year. But home to some very special guests as well. You see... Hogwarts has been chosen-" cutting himself off I tried to conceal my laughter as I watched Filch do his run into the hall, making his way to Dumbledore as I leant my head against Blaise's shoulder

"He runs like he's shat himself"

"Coming from experience?"

"I grew up with Holly and Oscar. And I've seen them run like that" I murmured to him, clamping my hand over my mouth as he started running out again and I hid my face in his shoulder for a moment before sitting up and turning back towards Dumbledore as he looked back to everyone

"Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament-"

"Oh shit" I mumbled quietly, dumbfounded as I glanced towards Nadia who had a look of horror cross her face before I glanced to Holly and Oscar before turning away and back to Dumbledore as my foot was nudged and I looked up, Draco staring at me curiously

"What's with you?"

"Nadia was in the last Triwizard Tournament and she was almost dead by the end of it-"

"-And for those of you who do not know, The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school, a single student is chosen to compete. Now let me be clear... if you are chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say: these contests are not for the faint hearted.... but more of that later. For now, please help me welcome-" Turning our heads to the door we watched as a sea of blue dresses came into the hall, the Beauxbatons uniforms seemingly shining in the light of the hall as I covered my mouth, laughing quietly to myself when I watched them trot about, acting as if they were horses as they held their arms out, blue butterflies flying from their sleeves and disappearing into the air as I looked at Pansy amused before jerking my head to Blaise as I turned and smacked the backside of his head as he whipped around and stared at me with scowl

"Keep your mouth open any longer Zabini and you'll catch flies"

"Shut up Amelia"

"Gross to think that could've been me-"


"Yeah. I wanted to go to Beauxbatons-"

"But you wouldn't have of got to meet me!"

"Maybe I should've gone...."


"I love you really Pansy-"

"Why'd you want to go to that school?"

"Initially I just wanted to be away from Holly. I was thinking of requesting a transfer after first year but it would've been too much hassle for the ministry"


"Oh yeah. They're against school transfers according to Kingsley" I told them as I looked back, smiling when I seen Gabrielle doing flips and tricks before stopping with Fleur beside her and Dumbledore greeted Madam Maxime and they disappeared off to the side as he looked back to us

"And now, our friends from the North: please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff!"

"Now this is something to look forward to" I muttered as the doors opened again and I leaned forward, a grin on my face as I watched them all come in, glancing to the head table, smiling to myself as I looked at McGonagall before turning back and looking at Viktor who was walking in with an annoyed look on his face as I looked through the others, stopping and blinking furiously as I rubbed at my face before hiding my glowing hands under the table

"You've got to be fucking kidding me-"


"Get me a fucking rolling pin-"

"Why would you-?"

"Holly shit! Is that-?"

"Yep" I told Blaise through gritted teeth as I looked at LJ, setting my jaw as I turned away, grimacing at the thought of having to spend a whole year in his company.

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