|Chapter 38 : Overloading Questions|

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"Took you long enough the get out of bed this morning"

"Oh shut up"

"Hangover got the hold of you?-"

"No. Because one, I'm not a lightweight like you and two, I wasn't even bloody drinking so stop jumping to the conclusion that I would've been drinking because I wasn't"

"Do you think that sentence made sense?"

"No...." I groaned as I dropped my head onto my knees, rubbing at my head painfully as Pansy looked around to me, lifting my head up so she could look at me as she smiled slightly


"Why don't you go and talk to Theodore-?"


"Why not? You are dating after all-"

"How'd you know?!"

"Holy shit! I fucking knew it!" She shouted while jumping to her feet, pointing at me with a grin

"I thought that there was something going on between the two of you! I noticed that you two had became awfully close!-"

"Shut the fuck up and sit down!"I hissed at her before grabbing her arm and dragging her back down next to me, both my cheek and back of head throbbing in pain as she sat with a grin

"Why didn't you tell me?! Did you tell Daphne and not me?!"

"No! We didn't tell anyone-"

"Why not?"

"We just didn't want to. We didn't want everybody knowing"

"So for how long?"

"Since January....."

"It's been that long?!" She screeched as I scrunched my face up, her voice ringing in my ears as I nodded and my shoulders were grabbed and my whole body was shaken as I looked at her

"And you didn't tell me?!"

"I didn't tell anyone!-"

"That bloody chicken-"

"Next time, I'll tell the chicken to go for the inflated fucking head-"


"Where did that come from?!"


"Amelia?" He asked back as me and Pansy stared at him, Draco sitting down next to me completely unfazed as we continued to stare at him before he sat down on the other side of Pansy while she let go of me and I turned away from her, shaking my head confused before looking to Draco as he stared back at me

"What was-?"

"When did you cut your face?"


"But I never saw-"

"It was quidditch. Yesterday. Not long in-"

"I never seen anything happen to you though"

"Well you never usually pay attention anyway. But I want to know as to what made Blaise say that"

"Doesn't matter"

"But I want to know what-"

"It doesn't matter. Honestly-"

"Amelia! I did a bad thing" Turning our heads we all looked at Daphne as she walked up the dorm stairs, ink smeared all over her hands as I raised my eyebrows at her

"I need help-"

"I'm not your mother- help yourself- Wait! Does this bad thing affect me?"


"Great! Then suffer in silence" I told her before turning back around and looking to the others


"I don't want to be or get involved. Now if you'll excuse me, I have quidditch practice" I told her as I stood up, dusting my hands as I was dragged back down

"We don't have quidditch practice. Because if we did, I would've been going too-"

"Shut the fuck up Malfoy you little twat"

"Little twat- sounds about right-"

"Shut up Zabini- Draco, will you let go of my bloody arm?" I asked before attempting to shake him off as he stared at me, trying to hide the growing amused look

"If you don't let go I'll give you a Glasgow kiss-"

"A what?!"

"I'm sorry-?"

"A headbutt. She means she'll headbutt you" Pansy explained as I raised my eyebrows at him and slipped my arm away and stood up as I started to walk off

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go and see someone-"


"Shut up Parkinson, I'm away to go and floo Adam"

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