|Chapter 102 : Early Morning Disruptions|

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"I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in the room. And notice I charitably said 'person' and not 'girl'. Because let's face it, I'd destroy all you bastards" I mumbled, my speech slightly slurred as it dawned on me that what I said made no sense as I grinned lazily at the other three who lay in their beds, trying to sleep while I sat at the end of mine with my wand lit

"Amelia. It's two o'clock in the fucking morning!"


"Who are you actually talking to?"

"Me, myself and I. Seeing as none of you cunts will reply" I mumbled to Daphne, sending a look to them all as Millicent squinted at me before rolling over with her back to me while letting out a sigh as I turned back to the other two and flashed them a smile

"Oh fucking hell she's probably had trifle or something. Put her in with the guys, I want to sleep tonight"

"I love how that's your solution to everything concerning Lia: shove her in with the guys and let them deal with her-"

"Do you have a better plan?" Pansy asked as I watched her push herself up and stare at Daphne as she glanced at me for a split second before turning back

"... no"

"Didn't fucking think so"

"So who's taking her?"

"Not me, I'm too comfy"

"But so am I-"

"I proposed the plan therefore I have the say on who does what. So to finish that statement: I stay in bed and you walk Lia to the other dorm"

"Fuck you Parkinson-"

"Fuck her yourself, coward" I muttered while I was hauled up, a snort of laughter filling the room as I was walked out, jumping when my feet hit the cold stone floor as I was walked up the steps before down the other set as I watched Daphne knock on the boys dorm door with a sigh, a couple of empty and silent seconds passing before the door opened and Blaise stared at us as I was shoved into him and I started laughing

"What's this all about?"

"Take her. We want to sleep tonight"

"But why is she here?"

"She's fucking had something. I don't know what and I don't know who gave her it but it's something" Daphne muttered before turning and walking up the stairs as I turned to Blaise and hugged him while he shut the door and I looked around the dark room

"What the hell is this all about?"

"LJ let me have a bowl of trifle"

"Oh for fucks sake-"


"No. Right, come on. You're going to sleep" he muttered as I detangled myself and wandered over to his bed, climbing under the duvet with a smile while lying down as he sat up leaning against the headboard as he peered at me curiously

"You seem very happy about being through here"

"I'm getting to spend time with you, of course I'm happy"

"Right, well if that's all then-"

"You know what I've always wondered? How do tall people like you actually sleep at night when the blankets can't possibly cover you from your shoulders to your toes?" I asked quietly, peering up at him as he glanced at his watch momentarily, pausing in his movement to lie down as he looked at me

"Lia. It's coming up to three o'clock in the bloody morning"

"So... you can't sleep huh? Is it because of the blanket?"

"... be quiet and go to sleep"

"I knew it" I mumbled quietly as he laid down, sorting the duvet as I hugged him with a smile

"Please go to sleep"

"I'll try"

"And also please don't kick me while you sleep"

"I'm not making any promises"

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