|Chapter 137 : Going Through With It|

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Walking down the grass slope I looked at the deserted pitch as I instantly walked in, robes in arms as I made a beeline for the changing room. Setting my robes down on the bench I tried to open my locker as I unlocked it, pulling the door forcefully as it finally opened and I stumbled back slightly at the force, putting my robes on the hanger I hung them in, looking at them sadly for a moment before shutting the door and hanging my keys on the small hook. Digging around in my pocket I pulled out the folded letter before going to Adrian's locker, crouching down as I tried to slip it under the small gap

"Amelia?" Clamping my eyes shut I lifted my head after a moment as I looked to the door, looking at Miles who was standing there confused, the door opening after him again as Adrian came in, kicking a box in front of him with his feet as he stopped and I looked between them, standing up silently as I slipped over to the door


"Excuse me" I muttered to Adrian after he had jumped in front of me, blocking the door as I tried to move around him, watching as he stepped in front of me each time

"No" stepping back I turned around and walked away before sitting down on the bench

"So why've you not been coming to practice?"

"I haven't wanted to go"

"That's a lie-"

"It's not-"

"So why not? Why have you all of a sudden started hating quidditch?"

"And why've you been avoiding us?" Adrian asked as I looked at the two, both standing with their arms crossed as I turned away, shrugging silently

"So if you're not here to take part in practice and you aren't here to have a chat with us why are you here then?"

"You could've phrased that last part so much better-"

"Shut up Miles. So?"

"I'm here to hand in my robes and two week notice-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"I'm meant to hand in a two week-"

"I know you are but fucking hell Amelia!"

"Adrian, stop shouting-"

"Fuck off Miles and stop being so bloody nice! She's been avoiding practice for months, avoiding us for weeks and you're still trying to get me to stay calm?! Fine then, if it's what you want your ass is off the team! Go off and bitch and moan if you want, just don't do it to me! And don't expect to come crawling back, begging for your spot again because you won't bloody have it" he told me annoyed before whipping around, snapping the door shut behind him as I stared at the closed door silently, a lump starting to grow in my throat

"Well that was out of order-"

"No it wasn't-"

"Well he didn't m-"

"He meant every word"

"Why are you quitting Amelia?"

"Because I don't deserve to be on the team" I told Miles quietly, pausing before I spoke as I glanced at him and we looked at each for a moment silently

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