|Chapter 26 : Starting To Fail|

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"What's that?"

"It's a cake. I just finished another Transfiguration test so I'm treating myself"

"You passed?!"

"No, I failed" I told Pansy quietly, her excited look dropping as she gawked at me

"You what?!"

"I failed"

"What?! No!"


"No! I refuse to believe it"


"I'll go and ask Diggory-"

"On you go" I shrugged as she turned on her heel and vanished from the common room as I pushed the small cupcake away from me with a sigh before pulling my Arithmacy book towards me and opening it



"I- what?"

"Lucian?!" I asked loudly, jumping up and staring at him as he stood with my book in hand, a grin on his face

"Give me it"


"But I have seven hundred pages to read for Monday!"

"You can get it back soon"

"Why can't I get it back now?!"

"If you say something stupid I'll tell you why you can't get it back-"

"Caterpillars have more muscles than humans but I'd like one to try and fight me in real life and see what happens!"

"... I know I said stupid.... but I didn't mean Weasley level stupid-"

"Tell me why I can't have my book back!"

"Flint wants to talk to you. He's down at the pitch" he told me as I gawked at him and his grin grew as I let out a huff, turning and walking from the common room annoyed as I went down to the pitch. Walking in, he appeared from the equipment cupboard with a wrapped box in his hands as he grinned at me and I stopped in my tracks to stare at him ludicrously

"I was made to come all the way down here for a fucking box? Are you kidding me?"

"It's a special box-"

"Well if it's so special it better be capable of making me a cheese toastie and doing backflips-"

"You're not asking for much, are you?" Turning around a grin grew on my face as Nathan stood there, grinning at me with mud all over his Irish robes as I ran at him for a hug

"I want to keep my ribs intact you know"



"Was the box a distraction?" I asked as I turned my head to him, still hugging Nathan tightly as I watched Flint shake his head before walking over as he handed me it and I held it in one hand

"You're going to want to open it. I'll see you back in the castle"

"Bye Flint" I called to him quietly as he walked off with an amused look, getting a nod and a grin from Nathan as I looked at him

"How's quidditch going?"

"Amazing. Absolutely amazing, I couldn't ask for it to go any better. If we win our next match then we're through to the semi-finals"

"That's awesome. And you will win"

"Can we sit down? I'm exhausted and in agony" he laughed as I nodded and stepped back, watching him fall backwards onto the pitch with a groan as I laughed slightly, grinning at me as a smile crossed my face and I sat down cross legged beside him with the box on top of me

"How're your classes?"

"Pretty good actually. I had another Transfiguration test earlier on today"

"How'd it go?"

"Good" I told him quietly, smiling as he looked at me before he propped himself up on his elbows and I twirled a couple of blades of grass together

"I'll ask again: how did it go?"

"I've failed"

"What?" He asked quietly, staring at me as he sat up properly and I shrugged slightly

"Has it been marked?"


"Then don't say you've failed, you won't have of failed because you're so-"

"I know I've failed-"


"I didn't answer any of the questions Nathan"


"Because I had a mind blank. I couldn't remember anything of what I had revised at all. I just sat there stressing like mad while everybody scribbled down answers around me"

"What did Professor McGonagall say? Did you explain to her?"

"She reckoned that I've overloaded myself with work and information. She's letting me re-sit it on Monday"

"You have been overloading yourself"

"Why does everybody tell me this?"

"Because it's true. Anyway, open the box"


"I'm not entirely sure I want to"

"Trust me. You do" he told me, grinning as I looked at him unsure before starting to unwrap the box, lifting the lid off


"Holy mother-fucking shit-"

"Do you like them?" He asked quietly as I glanced up, a grin on his face as I looked back smiling. Picking the robes out I stared at the black and white Magpie quidditch robes and jumper as I looked back at him

"Are they for me?"

"Of course they are- oh flipping heck" he coughed after I had lunged at him, hugging him tightly with a grin on my face as he started laughing

"I take it you like them-"

"I love them! Are you kidding?"

"They're yours. You deserve them"


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