|Chapter 143 : Different Dorm Visits|

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Slipping into the dorm and gently closing the door behind me I looked to the only bed with its drapes drawn with a small light visible through the cracks as I crept over and stood there awkwardly before gently tapping on one of the bed pillars as the drape was drawn back a second later as Draco poked his head out confused


"Can I stay here tonight?"

"Yeah of course, just a second" nodding quietly I took a step back and looked around the dark dorm, the other three boys asleep as the drapes were drawn back a second later and he got out of bed and started stacking some parchment and books onto his bedside table

"If you were working I'm sorry I can go back"


"Are you sure?"

"Positively, I'll be just another second" he told me quietly as I nodded and he vanished to his bathroom while I climbed onto his bed and under his covers while he done the same a moment later and redrew the drapes as he laid down on his side and looked at me, propping himself up on his arm

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I just wanted to come through"

"Don't apologise Amelia you don't need to. I haven't seen you the last few days though, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, sorry I've just had a lot going on and a lot of work and everything else" I explained to him, my voice just above a whisper as I turned my head to him and gave a small smile, getting one in return as I laid down next to him and turned in his direction

"So I'm not important enough?"

"Shut up"

"I see how it is-"


"No it's okay I'll just-" cutting him off I whacked his arm as he held back his laugh, a grin on his face as I shook my head smiling at him and he laid down properly as we faced each other

"You're so dramatic, you're turning into Blaise with those antics"

"No need for the insults. Anyway, what's been keeping you so busy these last few days?"

"I've just been trying to catch up with work but I also have to keep shaking Aaron away from me"

"How so?"

"He thinks he's trying to help but he's really just stressing me out, he told Nathan that the best way for him to talk to me would be to meet in the three broomsticks"

"Wait wait when did this happen?"

"Me meeting Nathan?"

"Yeah? Was this awhile ago or is it still to happen?"

"It was yesterday, I met him at like two o'clock and it was a bit of a shit-fest to be honest with you"

"What happened?"

"Well first of all Rosmerta called me Holly and then I met him in one of the upstairs rooms and he was like trying to make conversation and was then telling me that I wasn't responding well enough for the conversation so I gave him blunt answers and then he decided that he wanted to be blunt and so told me I looked dead and is pretty much surprised that I'm making it through each day" I explained to him quietly as he laid there quietly with his lips pressed together

"I was quite taken aback- it was rude. I just need to shake him off and I'll be okay"

"You won't be okay-"

"No I know but I need to shake him off until I can safely get out of this situation with Nott"

"Yes but we don't know when that will be"

"I know, but I can wait it out-"

"I don't think you can Lia, not for much longer. I hate to agree but you don't look well" he told me quietly as I stared at him and he sat up and got out of bed before holding his hand out as I grabbed it and pulled myself up as we wandered over to the bathroom, quietly shutting the door and turning on the light as he motioned me in front of the mirror as he stood behind me

"You look ill"

"I do have a bit of a cold-"

"Amelia that's not what I mean, you need to properly look at yourself. It's like you're slipping away-"

"I don't want to, I can't" I told him quietly, turning my back on the mirror as I stared down at our feet and I heard him sigh quietly before I raised my arms and hugged him tightly, hiding my face as he slowly hugged me back with his head resting on mine

"I hate it"

"They're just looking out for you"

"I know but I feel so guilty with Nathan, I hate having to push him away like this" I explained quietly as I remembered everything from the three broomsticks and how he walked out of the room afterwards due to anger and stress, leaving me sitting on the couch for awhile as I'd thought everything over

"He'll realise at some point that you had every liable reason to be acting the way you are in order to protect yourself"

"I don't know if he will though. I don't know if he'll forgive me- I wouldn't forgive me"

"Come on, you're stressing yourself out" heading back to his bed I laid down silently as he shut the drapes and I stared up at the top of the bed frame before turning over and resting against his shoulder

"I'm sorry for coming in here and dropping this all on you"

"Don't apologise, I'd rather know than not know and I'd rather know where you were and how you were feeling than not-"

"Pucey!" Both of us sitting up we looked in the direction of the door, listening as footsteps thundered down the stairs just past us as my stomach dropped

"Nott? What do you want?"

"Oh fuck"

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