|Chapter 81 : Quality Bonding|

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"It's heavily sexist actually"

"How so?"

"Well, Beauxbatons is like Hogwarts: there are both male and female students. But yet here we are, only female students showing up"

"What's so sexist about that?"

"The only way they could guarantee a female contestant was if there was strictly just an all female group" I explained to Pansy, Blaise and Draco as we walked into the common room and I claimed the couch in the corner, sitting down happily while wrapping my cloak around myself

"It's ridiculous"

"You think so?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"I was just asking- don't attack me"

"I'm not attacking you...."

"I know"

"Then why say?..."

"I don't know"

"There's so much fucking wrong with you"

"Oh I know. You seem to remind me often enough" Blaise told Pansy as I started laughing, turning my head and looking at Draco as he looked at me with a smile he tried to hide while noise came from the entrance to the common room and all eyes turned towards the entrance as the Durmstrang group came in, Snape in front as he motioned to the boys dorm steps before vanishing as the common room stayed silent and I shifted uncomfortably on the seat, looking away after having met LJ's stare as I turned to the others and gave a look to them as people started disappearing off to their dorms, some of the Durmstrang following as the common room became less crowded quicker and quicker. Feeling hands land heavily on my shoulders I jumped as I went to grab my wand

"Calm it Black-"

"We're not here to harm-"

"That's the biggest heap of bollocks I've ever heard"



"What is it the two of you want?" I asked Adrian and Miles as I turned my head and looked at them amused, grins on their faces

"We thought we'd enlighten you on some information"

"What sort of information?"

"You know with this tournament going on...."

"Funnily enough.... yes-"

"It's going to take up the majority of the school year and attention"


"So do you know what that means?"

"Intrigue me"

"No quidditch"


"No quidditch. Whatsoever" Miles told me as I turned away from them both and stared at the floor blankly, blinking while Pansy stood up, waving slightly as she disappeared down to the dorm and I sighed loudly

"I know, it sucks"

"Now what am I going to do in my spare time?"

"Spend some quality bonding time with us-"

"You can go and fuck yourself before you think I'm going to do that" I scoffed to the two as Blaise started laughing and I turned my head with a grin before looking to the other two

"I'm joking. You know I love spending time with you both-"

"Me more"

"Yeah" I agreed with Miles instantly as we started laughing and I looked at Adrian while he stared back at me unhappily, an amused look slowly starting to grow

"So what're the plans then?"

"Who said there were any plans?"

"Are we going to train?"


"So then what're we going to do? Go on like usual? Is there going to be a substitute captain since it's not an actual game year and then pick a proper standing captain for the next year?"

"Bloody hell, how do you have so many questions? We literally just told you-"

"But to answer your questions: yes, we'll be practicing like usual just probably not for as long. And Adrian has taken it upon himself to appoint himself as stand-in captain until next year"

"Who's going to be captain next year?"

"Warrington probably"

"Why not you?" I asked Miles as he shrugged before the two stood up properly and I looked around surprised, finding the common room empty as I looked back to them

"I don't know. Anyway, we're heading to our dorms and I think you should too"

"I was going to. Let us know when the first practice is, will you?"

"Nah, I'll let you guess the date and time"

"You probably would do that too" I muttered amused as they disappeared off and I pushed myself up, followed by Draco as we turned to Blaise

"You gonna get up Zabini?"


"Why not?"

"I'd rather stay here and let myself rot away"

"That's relatable-"

"That's a great idea: that way I won't have to put up with your dulcet tones in the dorm-"

"On that note I think I will get up, just to annoy you even more" Blaise told Draco as I listened to him sigh from beside me as I turned my head, an unhappy look on his face as I started laughing and poked his cheek before looking to Blaise who was up and standing with a smile on his face

"We good to go?"

"Why're you asking me? We sleep in different dorms" I told Blaise laughing as I glanced around me to make sure I hadn't left anything before making my way towards the dorm stairs

"Well I'll see you both in the morning I suppose"


"Oh fuck no" I sighed, laughing slightly as I turned my head and stared at LJ as he stood behind an armchair

Sorry that updates have been delayed I'm weighed down with exam revision right now and I'm pretty stressed out and struggling so updates might be delayed for awhile again :(

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