|Chapter 14 : Leaflets|

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"How do I say this?"









"Photosynthesis" I said to Pansy as she stared at me blankly and I waited as she nodded once



"I'm smart"

"...If you say so" I murmured as she grinned at me and a smile grew on my face as we walked up the entrance hall steps

"You know, sometimes-"



"Adrian is saying that pineapple belongs on pizza-"


"Yes it does! It's fucking delicious!"

"You don't put fruit on a goddamn pizza-"

"It's the only fruit that can go on a pizza!"

"Tomato is a fruit you dumb fuck" I told Adrian laughing as a grin grew on Miles' face and I was given a high five

"Yeah, well my mother loves me!"

"I- wow... I can't fault you there" I admitted as I started laughing and he stared at me, eyes wide as I continued laughing as I motioned for Pansy to start walking as we headed inside and I continued laughing

"Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked laughing as she stared at me and I turned my head grinning as I looked at the two who were walking a little way behind us and I looked at Adrian

"I didn't m-"

"What's got your wand in a knot?"

"What I said!"

"Oh stop overreacting" I told him with a scoff as we continued walking and I jumped on Pansy's back

"Run whore, run!"

"Fuck you, you little shit. I'm not running for no cunt. I'm a dignified lady in a skirt-"

"You're definitely something but it sure as hell isn't a dignified lady" I told her laughing as I dropped down and shoved her into the wall, the other two catching up and walking with us

"Whoops, didn't see you there-"

"If you didn't see me then you need glasses"

"I have glasses"

"You do?"

"Yeah, look" I told her as I stopped, searching through my back before pulling them out and showing her them

"Do you even need them?"

"I've always had really sore eyes since I was a child. It hits at any time and I get headaches with them too so Adam made me a pair of glasses"

"How's Dalmer getting on with the Irish team?"

"Really well actually, he sent me a letter a week or so ago. He won't be able to visit again for about a month or so. But the Irish team have been winning all their matches-"


"Since when did people hand out leaflets?"

"It's a first I think" I mumbled quietly as we passed the mass of people crowding the middle of the hall

"Probably the twins or something"

"It would be, probably showing some shit that they've been working on"

"But, leaflets? Really?"

"Gryffindors do dumb shit"

"Well I know that-"

"You've got Charms next, haven't you?"

"Yeah, with these two numbnuts- where are they?" I asked as I stopped, looking around to find the two nowhere near us, instead standing completely still a bit down the corridor as I wandered over

"What the fuck have you two stopped for?"



"Who's Ben Everton?" Miles asked quietly as I stared at him as he passed me something and I looked down at the leaflet. Light blue in colour with the picture of four year old Ben grinning up at me with the sentence 'murdered by Amelia Black' branded in large red letters underneath as I felt my blood run cold and I opened it, staring horrified at the picture from his funeral and headstone inside as I stuffed it in my pocket and stormed past, my eyes welling with tears instantly.

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