|Chapter 128 : Guilty Accusations|

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"Amelia" jumping at the harshness of the voice I turned around and looked at Nathan who stood at the door of the empty changing room as he shut the door firmly behind him


"We need to talk"

"We do?"

"Sit down" he told me forcefully, flinching slightly at how loud his voice got as I stayed still for a second before he pointed to the bench I was standing in front of as I slowly sank down, my hands starting to shake as I looked at him warily

"What're you playing at?"


"Don't fucking play dumb with me, Amelia, I'm bloody tired of this"

"Tired of what? Nathan, I don't understand" I said to him quietly, my voice shaking ever so slightly as I stared at him confused, an irritated look coming over his face as he kicked the bench annoyed and I jumped backwards against the wall from fright as I stared down at the ground wide eyed, my eyes brimmed with tears as his voice got steadily louder

"Tired of you acting the way you have been lately! Bloody isolating yourself and blocking everybody fucking out for the crack of it all-"

"Nathan, I'm not doing it for the crack...."

"Then what the fuck are you doing it for, huh? Attention? Because that currently seems like the only logical explanation! So what is it all for then huh? Seeing how long you can go before somebody knocks sense into you to get your act together? Or are you just doing this to test how many people actually care about you? Because if that's what this is all about then you're taking it too far" he shouted at me as I sat there silently, biting my lower lip as it started trembling and an immense amount of guilt filled my stomach when he brought it up, feeling sick that he thought that that's why I was doing what I was doing

"That's not why-"

"Do you know how many people I have had bring this up to me? I have had Draco, Cedric, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne, Aaron, Tristan, Viktor, Fleur, Miles, Adrian, Harry, McGonagall, Nadia, Holly, Oscar and the twins. That's eighteen people Amelia! Eighteen fucking people! All coming to ask me what's up with you as if I bloody know and I'm tired of it!" he shouted back at me, starting to pace consistently as I felt the tears slowly slip down my face as I started biting at my skin anxiously, trying to stop myself from crying completely

"And what're all these bruises and cuts then, huh? Make-up to add to the patter?! Just stop fucking pushing people away for your own enjoyment and just take a second to think about the pain you're putting them through instead of being so-"

"Shut up! Just fucking shut up!" I screamed back at him, my voice bouncing off of the walls as I pushed myself up with difficulty, my hands white as I stared at him with tears in my eyes

"Don't you fucking dare say those things-"

"Well what do you want me to say about this when these are the only liable things I can believe?!"

"Is that truly how little you think of me? That I would do all of this for attention?" I asked him loudly, standing my ground as I stared at him determinedly and refused to blink as he scanned the tears running on my cheeks as he paused, his face slowly changing as his shoulders slumped and he soon left his defensive stance


"Don't you fucking dare 'Lia' me" I spat, anger flowing through every inch of my body as I stood there for a moment longer, staring at him with more disappointment than disgust before quickly snatching my wand up and stalking past him out of the changing room, making sure to slam the door loudly and forcefully behind me.

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