|Chapter 122 : Pinned Mattress|

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Slamming the astronomy door behind me I dumped my things as I started pacing, frantically running my hands through and tugging at my hair as I screamed from frustration before dropping down to the floor with my head in my hands

"What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?" I asked myself repeatedly as I felt the tears start to run down my cheeks as I pulled at my hair again, watching as the space around me slowly started to freeze over.

Lifting my head up awhile later I looked at the Durmstrang ship in the distance, looking odd as the darkening sky cast an eerie glow over it as I wiped forcefully at my eyes as I fumbled with my bag strap before slinging it over my shoulder as I pushed myself up and made my way from the tower, throwing glances around me as I walked through the empty and dark corridors while I made my way to the common room, finding it pretty busy, guys from Durmstrang scattered amongst the Slytherins as I turned around and quickly headed to the dorm where I spotted the other three in their beds as I creeped across the floorboards and pulled the curtains back, finding every inch of my bed covered in drawing pins as I stared at it with a mixture of annoyance and shock.

Taking my wand out I waved it but stared wide eyed as the pins remained stuck on my bed as I tried to pick them off but with no avail as they stayed stuck down and I stood there for a moment before turning around and debating whether to go down to the common room or not as I sighed quietly before slipping my robe off as I sank down to the floor, using it as a pillow as I tried to get some sleep.

"Amelia? Why are you sleeping on the floor?" A voice asked quietly as I opened my eyes briefly and looked up at Millicent as pains shot through me and I tried to keep down a groan as I sat up

"I don't know" I mumbled before pushing myself up as I went to my wardrobe and tugged out clean clothes as I went to change

"Are you alright?" She asked just before I shut the door as I looked up as she gave me a concerned look as I nodded silently and shut the door as I quickly changed, picking my bag up after I came out I left and I started walking through the halls


"What is it LJ?" I asked after he appeared by my side and we left the dungeons as I cast a glance to him and we walked past students

"I just thought I would walk with you"

"You shouldn't"

"How come?"

"Because I don't want company Louis"

"That's a lie Amelia, you love being-"

"No I don't-"

"Yes you do Lia-"

"Louis James I swear to god- can I just be left alone? Please?" I asked as I stopped and turned to him as he looked at me for a moment before giving a hesitant nod as I closed my eyes for a moment before turning around and walking down the corridor and away from him as I felt my wrist get grabbed as I was led away from the hall

"Have you done it?"

"I'm working on it"

"Working on it's not good enough, get it done quicker"

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