|Chapter 52 : Drunken Photos|

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Walking into the kitchen early the next morning I carefully creeped across the floor as I opened the fridge and pulled out everything I needed. About half an hour later I piled pancakes onto plates and set syrups and sauces onto the table along with bowls of strawberries and blueberries as I placed a jug of juice down as well before making my way into the living room where Blaise and Draco were sleeping

"You two" I called trying to get them to stir but they remained motionless

"Hello?" I asked while the room stayed silent and I sighed

"Oi! Blaise! Draco!" I said loudly as they mumbled before slightly opening their eyes

"I've made breakfast- it's on the table" I told them as they spoke in muffled voices, their words incoherent

"You might want to get yours quickly because I'm away to wake everyone else" I told them amused as their eyes shot open and I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed the two plates I set on the cabinet for Holly and Oscar as I made my way to Holly's room as I opened the door with my foot

"Are you two awake?"

"Just about" Oscar mumbled while I snorted

"Sure- we all know that's a lie Oscar" I said laughing while Holly sat up in her bed and yawned as I passed her her plate as I held his in my hands

"If you don't wake up I'll eat these pancakes myself" I said to him in a sing song voice as his eyes opened



"With syrup?"

"A shit load of syrup and a side of blueberries. Just how you like them" I said and laughed as he shot up as I passed him his plate smiling

"Right, I'll be leaving here at eleven and I should be back at around half twelve or something- anything happens you get out and go straight to Mrs Winfrey's. I'm away to wake the others, you can come down or either sit up here it doesn't really matter" I said to them before making my way out of the room and towards Oscars as I poked my head in

"You two up?" I asked as Daphne sat up

"Yeah- she is too" she said laughing as she jerked her head towards where Pansy was lying as she groaned

"Hangover got the hold of you?" I asked amused as she clamped her hands over her ears

"You're so loud"

"I can go louder if you like" I offered after ever so slightly raising my voice as she groaned and I laughed slightly

"I'm not that mean- there's some breakfast on the table and a can of irn bru in the fridge, it should help but if it doesn't there's tablets in the cupboard too" I told her before leaving the room and making my way to my own where I creeped in- the three still out cold as I made my way into the bathroom and filled a glass with cold water before moving back into the room as I clutched the picture I had got of them in one hand while I threw some of the water over the two on the bed while the rest went to Adam and I watched in amusement as the three of them shot up, covered in water as they stared at me shocked

"Morning!" I yelled happily as they groaned at the same time

"Why?!" Ali asked loudly as I showed the three of them the picture and watched as their jaws dropped

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