|Chapter 39 : Turning Conversations|

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"Heard what happened"

"I don't know how to feel. I'm quite irritated to be honest. I mean, we had been training so hard and for so long... and we ended up tying?" I asked ludicrously, venting to Adam as I looked at him in the fireplace, having dumped myself down on the floor of Nadia's empty quarters as he smiled slightly

"Trust me, I know"

"I don't think you do"

"I do-"




"I probably do-"

"You definitely don't" I sighed, a smile crossing his face as he shook his head laughing, a loud bang coming from his end of the fireplace as he sat there unfazed and I sat up straighter

"And what in the ever loving fuck was that?"

"Probably Ali falling through the roof or something, I don't really care to be honest-"


"What? I don't want to look because I don't want to move" he shrugged as I started laughing, grinning at him as Ali came into view behind him, a clear confused look on his face as he looked at Adam who barely turned his head to him

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, who said I had done anything?"

"One, the look on your face. Two, it sounded like something had exploded-"

"Maybe, but that was-"


"That was your fault for trusting me in your kitchen without adult supervision-"

"You're twenty nine next month! Why in the name of hell do you still need adult supervision?!"

"Do you really want him to answer that?" I asked, grinning as Ali looked over and matched my grin as he made his way over, shoving Adam out of the way when he had pushed himself up as he dumped himself down in front of me as Adam disappeared

"What did you do?"

"His countertop is currently on fire-"


"I'm not good with muggle household appliances" he shrugged as I grinned at him, shaking my head in disbelief as I let out a light laugh before turning back to him

"How come you're at his?"

"Jayden flooded my place-"

"How the fuck did he do that?"

"I don't even want to know"

"Is he sorting it?"

"Doing his best"

Silently Screaming For HelpTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon