|Chapter 19 : Opinions|

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"Heard you had a little spat with Zabini earlier"

"I wouldn't call it a spat, but-"


"But it was a spat" I added on with a small laugh, looking to Theodore with a smile as he kept his arm around my shoulders as I walked from my dorm, my eyes starting to sting painfully while he looked at me amused

"Were you arguing?"


"That's a shame-"

"Theodore" I sighed as I gave him a look and he gave me a grin back as I shook my head laughing before turning to him

"Are you going to be following me?"

"Well where are you going?"

"The Ministry of Magic" I told him sarcastically before motioning to the quidditch robes I wore as an amused look grew on his face and we walked outside, the sky still light as I caught sight of the others just walking into the pitch as we made our way down the hill

"We'll be training for quite awhile I think"

"Then I'll wait"

"You will?"

"Yeah, I'll sit in the stands. I don't mind"

"Won't you be bored?"

"Not when I'm watching you"

"That's creepy..." I told him quietly as I turned my head to him and he grinned slightly, feeling him move his hand into my back pocket as I raised my eyebrows at him


"Yeah. Do you have a problem with it?"

"No, but-"

"Tough if you did" he shrugged as he looked at the pitch with a grin and I looked at him, slightly confused and uncomfortable before I went to the changing room and grabbed my broom

"You don't have to stay"

"I know, but I will. You should wear your hair down for once"


"Because I don't like you having your hair up so much. It doesn't look right, it's always tied up. Anyway, I'll see you once you're done" he said to me, smiling slightly before moving away and going into the stands as I stared after him before walking over to the others as Flint looked at me

"You're last here Amelia! You can get the trunk out!" He shouted to me as I walked over to the equipment cupboard and started dragging the ball box out, my eyes starting to sting again as everybody kicked off and I kicked it open, letting the balls out before passing the quaffle to Flint

"How come you're late?"

"I just am. I didn't mean to be"

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well.... you're late. And you're never late"

"It's a one off-"

"Are you sure?"


"Make sure to get some sleep Amelia. You look about ready to fall down"

"I am" I muttered as I looked up and gave him a smile before grabbing my broom and kicking off, not even noticing the quaffle as it was thrown to me and it shot right past me as I turned around after a moment and watched it hit the ground as I turned to Flint, giving him an apologetic look as he raised his eyebrows at me and I flew down towards it.


"Can I ask you something?" I asked Draco quietly as we walked up to the castle in the dark, Theodore having left earlier as he let out a sigh

"If you feel like you desperately need to"

"Is there anything wrong with the fact that I always have my hair up in a high ponytail?"

"You've got to be kidding me..."


"Amelia, does it look like I care about how you do your hair? If you really care that much then talk to Parkinson and Greengrass because I honestly don't care" he told me impatiently as he walked with an irritated look and I stopped as he carried on walking before turning to look at me


"Did I say anything?"

"You've stopped walking. Hurry up"

"I'm walking with Adrian and Miles-"

"So much for having thick skin" he scoffed as I stared at him, Adrian and Miles just behind me as I watched him roll his eyes

"You're getting upset just because I was giving my honest opinion"

"I'm not upset-"

"You clearly are. Just get a grip of yourself" he told me impatiently before he carried on walking and I was hugged from behind

"Hello Miles"

"Come on, if we're not in the castle soon we're going to be in detention and I've already got enough for this week, I don't want any more"

"You've got detention?"


"What for?"

"Nothing important-"

"He blew his cauldron up in potions. Snape wasn't happy"

".... how can you blow up a cauldron?..."

"Don't ask me. I was just standing there laughing while he got shouted at"

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