|Chapter 55 : Remembering Bets|

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Opening my eyes from where I slept in the living room I sat up and listened as frantic noises came from outside. Scrambling to my feet I sped out of the room as the others stirred around me. Slamming the kitchen door with my wand in my hand I tucked it into my waist band and ran towards Astra as she galloped around her pen, thrashing her head around while I opened the gate and ran towards her

"Astra! Calm down!" I yelled as I tried to get ahold of her while the kitchen door opened and the others stood there before making their way out

"Stay away from the pen! She might do something stupid!" I yelled at them as I wrapped my arms around her and jumped up onto her back, taking a hold of her mane as she reared up

"Easy! Calm down Astra!" I yelled as she reared up one more time and I rolled off her back and toppled onto the ground. I sat up and watched as she ran out the gate and away from the house as I scrambled up and ran after her

"Someone grab the reins from the shed!" I shouted as I ran past them and they split up, some following after while others ran towards the shed as I chased her down the path- my feet pounding painfully against the gravel as I followed her down the road

"Astra!" I screamed as I watched her stop and I stumbled to a halt

"Holy fuck" I breathed quietly as I stared wide eyed at Mrs Winfrey's house which was up in flames

"Someone go and grab Astra- someone else go to the floo powder and get ahold of Nadia" I told them quickly as Pansy and Daphne ran back to the house and Blaise went towards Astra who was standing calmly while her head occasionally thrashed about while Draco stood behind me

"Stay here" I told him as I grabbed my wand out of my pocket and ran towards the house blasting the door down as he shouted after me and I ran through the hall, bringing my hand to my mouth as I dodged the flames

"Aquamenti" I said loudly as water burst from the end of my wand and battled the flames down from the ceiling while I made my way into the kitchen and living room and scanned around before running towards the stairs

"Protego!" I said as the flames bounced off the shield and I started coughing as I brought my top over my mouth and I scampered up the stairs

"Mrs Winfrey?!" I yelled desperately as I toppled
up the last set of stairs and opened all the doors I could see

"Lumos" I whispered as I kept coughing and squinted through the smoke which was taking over every corner of the room as I stumbled out and stared into the other rooms before going into the bathroom

"Oh my god" I coughed, shocked before going forward and heaving the elderly woman up as she remained limp and I heaved her out of the corner as I carried her down the stairs, struggling slightly as I tried to keep her up while I fired charms and spells at the flames, trying to put them out. Eventually I made my way down the stairs as I clutched at my chest heaving as I tried to keep down my coughs before I stumbled outside and she was instantly taken from me and laid down on the grass as I dropped my hands on my knees and wheezed as the faint sound of cracking filled my ears while arms wrapped around me and brought me away from the house as I was hastily passed my inhaler

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Draco asked me as I firmly held my inhaler

"I couldn't leave her-"

"Yo could've gotten hurt! Or died!-"

"Clara? Where's Clara?" Her raspy voice came as I turned to her around to her instantly

"Where's my granddaughter?" She asked me as I whipped towards the house before dropping my inhaler as I ran back in

"Amelia!" I heard Draco shout as he followed me

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