|Chapter 197 : The Start of The End|

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"There you are!"

"Here, I brought this along for you" Pansy told me after I'd walked from the tent and found her, Daphne and Millicent walking towards the arena as I joined them and she passed me the whiteboard and pen

"The boys are already here"

"A few guys from Durmstrang are with them too-"

"And Aaron-"

"But we don't know where they are" they laughed as we walked in and paused just beside the entrance as we had a scan around and I tapped Daphne after a moment, pointing to a bench a couple of rows back as she told the others and linked her arm with mine as we started walking. Splitting ourselves between the two benches, Daphne and Millicent found spots on the ones behind us while me and Pansy slid into the one in front and I sat down next to Aaron as he turned to me with a grin

"So you've joined us?"

No no, I'm also with the group behind. Not just you

"And I thought I meant something to you"

You do, but so do they

Showing him the board he grinned before wiping away my words with his sleeve as I pushed him away amused while scanning the benches around us as movement happened behind us and I turned my head to Pansy, smiling at Blaise as he walked along and over to us before sitting down

"Do you think this will be worth watching?"

"Zabini, there's a bunch of hedges in front of us. I think we're going to be bored shitless" Pansy told him as I looked at her laughing as I looked around again, stopping slightly as I stared at the other side of the arena, Holly sitting with Ron and the others as she stared at me with her lips slightly pressed together while I glanced down to my hands, realising I didn't have any charms over me and knowing that I had a few bruises scattered on my face

"Has your sister got a staring problem?"

She has a lot of problems

"Too many to list by the seems of it"

"Are you going to go over and talk to her? You haven't seen her in a while"


"Okay... fair enough"

"Are you alright?" Pansy asked quietly, kicking Blaise in the leg as I nodded and turned away from Holly's never ending stare and I turned to Pansy and nodded, trying to push past the sour feeling that had been growing in my stomach

"Okay... I forgot to say but I've also got a bag loaded with food if you get hungry" she told me quietly as I threw her a look, feeling knees press into my back while she lifted her bag up and opened it, laughing when she showed the variety of food stuffed to the brim

Did you think we'd be down here long enough to starve?

"Hey, you never know" she shrugged before dropping the bag down, it landing with a loud thump while my back was poked gently and I turned around, looking at Draco amused as he sat with his legs brushing against my back slightly as I leant backwards against him and crossed my arms as I slumped down slightly, the smile becoming permanently etched onto my face as the band nearby started to play their music, the arena erupting with sound as I watched as Amos ran in, a wide grin on his face as Cedric followed in behind, almost sheepishly as I clapped loudly along with everyone else. Fleur and Krum came in afterwards and then followed behind Harry shortly after, cheers welcoming them all onto the grass as Dumbledore made his way over to the podium, waving his hand for silence as the band stopped and I watched Cedric amused as he slowly turned his head around, grinning when he saw me as I smiled back, getting a small nod from him as I blew him a kiss, watching as he bit back his laugh before extending his hand out at his side ever so slightly as he pretended to catch it.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup deep into the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr Diggory-" getting cut off by the cheering of everybody around I joined in, watching as his dad proudly lifted his arm up into the air

"And Mr Potter-" again getting cut off by the cheers I clapped along, smiling at the small smile that grew on Harry's face when he watched the others stand up and clap for him

"Are tied for first place. They will be first to enter the maze, followed by Mr Krum, and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" Dumbledore called as he backed away from the stand slightly before turning between the crowd

"There is a group of staff circling the perimeter, for if at any point a contestant wishes to withdraw from the task he, or she need only send up red sparks with their wand... contestants, gather around" watching him leave the podium again I turned to Aaron as he done the same with a confused look etched on his face

"A maze?"

Explains the hedges I suppose

"What's so difficult about a maze?"

That's what I'm wondering... surely it's bound to be more complicated than it seems

"Champions, prepare yourselves!" Turning away again I watched as they all separated into different starting points, Cedric being drawn into a tight hug by Amos as I felt the nerves riddle their way into my stomach before he vanished off, taking the seat next to Mr Weasley who was sitting down near the front. Being drawn away from my thoughts I turned and watched as Cedric warily walked in, no more than a few steps as the hedge started to close up behind him, as Harry was soon enveloped by the greenery less than a moment later, both vanishing from sight.

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