|Chapter 7 : Drunken Truths|

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"I must admit... the first time I met you I thought you were a dick" I hummed to Draco with an amused look as I glanced up at him from where my head was on his shoulder as we both took another drink from our bottles as he sat with a smirk

"Wow, thanks"

"And...?" Miles asked expectantly as I glanced at him with a smirk before shrugging as I took another drink

"Nothing. That's it"

"Wow, well thank you, I'm touched" Draco murmured as I let out a laugh and looked at the smirk on his face as I nodded amused

"It's from the heart"

"He never said where he was touched" Miles added in as I let out a laugh that resembled something more like a cackle as I glanced between the two who both had smirks on their faces as I shook my head

"Shut up"

"I was just saying-"

"Yes well, you just say too much sometimes- anyway, what're you doing over here?"

"I can't remember, the rest of the team are coming over though" he murmured before sitting down next to us as I lifted my head and sat up properly just as the rest of the team sat around us

"Never have I ever: do you all know the rules?" Adrian asked as there was a chorus of hums before I turned to Draco and briefly explained

"Right. If only one or two people take a drink, we're going to be getting details or a story. But if no one drinks then the person who said "Never have I ever..." drinks. I'm adding that in"

"Right, never have I ever stole from a shop" reaching forward I took a shot and set my glass back down as they all stared at me while I filled it back up

"Am I the only-? You lot are pathetic"

"Wait.... you've actually stole something from a shop?"

"Yeah. Four years old, took a candle from a muggle shop and ran"

"A candle? That's sad"

"Sad? At least I've got the guts to go through with stealing something. Someone else go"

"I will. Never have I ever.... tried to cut my own hair"

"You guys are being so unbelievably wimpy with these questions" I told them after taking a shot with a few others

"You've cut your hair?"

"Damn right I have. I was sick of it. Eight years old, started hacking away at it with a pair of scissors because I was sick of having to constantly tie it up and out of the way. Anyway..... never have I ever stalked someone.... Draco Malfoy you need to take a drink. Also, four of you guys took a drink, you're all a bunch of creeps" I said to them laughing as they all sat with smirks. Awhile passing I sat with my head in my hand, trying to see straight as I sat with a smile on my face, now playing truth or dare as someone clicked their fingers in front of me


"Truth or dare"


"Are you dating someone?"



"So you're not single?"

"Nope, haven't had my first kiss either" I told the few who were still sitting there laughing as I used Draco's knee to push myself up as I wobbled slightly

"Well if you'll excuse me I need to go and talk to Pansy- Oh. Hello" I laughed after Draco stood up rapidly beside me as I smiled at him while he looked at me before wandering over to Blaise and dumping himself down next to him as he started talking to him rapidly as Blaise stared at him blankly as I shrugged, making my way over to Pansy with a slight wobble

"Where's Daphne?"

"Gone to talk to her sister I think- I wish I had a sister"

"Take Holly-"

"I don't want your sister"

"Funny that: I don't want her either. No one does" I told her as the two of us started laughing as I rested my head against her as she looked at me with a smirk

"I'm extremely tempted to put eyeliner on Blaise and Draco-"

"They're deep in conversation though"

"So? They're still both extremely drunk"

"You sort Blaise out and I'll do Draco"

"The one who does it the best gets a galleon and a sickle"

"You're on" I grinned as we both stood up and she passed me liquid eyeliner from her pocket as we wandered over to them and sat down on either side as I grinned at Draco

"What's happening?"

"I need to ask you a question"

"And so do I"

"You do?"

"I do- that's you asked your question now I get to-"

"No! That wasn't my question"

"I don't really care. Are you-?"

"Pansy! Get away from me!" Blaise screeched as we both turned towards him and watched as he smacked her hands away as she sat there laughing her head off as he turned to us and I tried to hide my laughter as I looked at the streak of eyeliner down the side of his face

"Look at what she's done to me!"

"It suits you-"

"My skin! My beautiful skin!"

"Just wash it off Zabini"

"That's the problem.... it's waterproof"

"What?!" Blaise shouted as me and Pansy continued laughing and he jumped to his feet as Pansy followed him down to the dorm as Draco sat there confused

"Were you going to put the same thing on me?"


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