|Chapter 177 : Making Plans|

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Hearing the door open I stirred slightly, mumbling to myself before trying to lift my head, giving up with a sigh as I dropped back down onto the pillow, the door shutting again as I rubbed at my face, laying there exhausted as I tried to wake up. Eventually pushing myself up I swung my legs over the side of the bed as a knock came at the door before it opened a moment later, and Nathan popped his head in, offering a small smile

"I'm sorry, I was wanting to check if you were awake. Would you like some tea?" He asked quietly as I nodded, him telling me it would be ready down stairs before leaving and a prickly feeling started spreading through my skin as I tried to shake it off

Opening the kitchen door I looked about, Nathan sitting at the table with his eyes closed and hands clasped together at his mouth as he turned to me after I opened the door, standing up and giving me a smile before going over and grabbing the tea pot as he handed me a cup of freshly brewed chamomile tea, a content smile growing on my face as he set it back down and leant against the counter, staring out of the window into the large empty field that graced his garden as we stood silently with each other

"Come here, Lia" he mumbled quietly as I looked at him, watching him turn and hold his arms out to hug me as I set the cup down and hugged him back, his head resting on top of mine

Are you okay?

"I'm okay" he told me quietly as I tilted my head back to look at him, staring at each other before flashing him a smile as he gave me a small one in return as I moved an arm away to grab the mug of tea before leaning back against him as we stayed quiet again and he dropped his head onto mine and we stayed that way for a while

"Do you want to do anything today?"

Do you?

"I have to pick up my new robes from Terri but that's all I have planned for today. We could go for a walk or something if you'd like? Or there's a muggle cinema not far from here. We can bake, or cook. Get some new books if you'd like... anything you want"

Would you want to go see a film?

"At the cinema? Of course" he scoffed as I smiled slightly, finishing off my tea and setting my mug down as he flicked his wand, a pile of letters flying into his hand as he pulled out a leaflet and scanned over it

"I know they have a few different options, they have Clueless, The Usual Suspects, something called Toy Story, Apollo 13... they have a lot so just take your pick" he told me before passing it as I had a look over it as he opened some letters in the meantime

"Oh god I forgot I need to hand out cheques for the team"

Have you not been paying them?

"I keep forgetting!"

Bless your wee heart Nathan

"I'm sure they can wait another week for it to come through"

You'll forget again

"Of course I will. There's also someone trying out for the team that you might be intrigued to meet"


"Adam's cousin"


"Yep, he's at Hogwarts actually. He's the year above you I believe"

How did I not know that?

"Adam isn't often at Hogwarts to be honest. But his name is Lucas, he has glasses, blond hair?"

Grey eyes, pale skin and quite a few moles? In Ravenclaw?

"Yes that's him!"

Lucas Campbell?!

"You know him?"

When me, Draco and Blaise were in Diagon Alley shopping before third year, we crashed into each other in Quality Quidditch Supplies while you were getting your Irish robes fitted and he looked me up and down with a grin and winked and said 'ten points to Slytherin'

"That's smooth"

He also referred to me as the 'Slytherin Sweetheart' and bullied me about my height

"Yep that sounds like him... at least you two know each other!" He pointed out laughing as I shook my head amused, remembering the few interactions the two of us had together before he glanced down at me after a few moments

"So do you want to come to Diagon Alley with me?"

I think I'll pass if you don't mind, I might go for a shower instead if that's okay?

"Of course you can, I'll grab you some towels and leave them in your room for you"

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