|Chapter 82 : Spiced Apples and Belts|

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"Is it today or tomorrow the mail comes?"

"Tomorrow" I told Daphne tiredly as we sat down opposite each other at the table the next morning and I tried to keep down a yawn

"I don't care who it is that takes the seat next to me, but whoever it is, is becoming my new pillow"

"Don't complain about being tired"

"I'll complain if I want to-"

"Yes well don't complain to me. It's your fault you stayed up until almost three in the morning just to argue"

"Hey. That argument was bloody worth it- oh look, a pillow" I directed to her as the bench sunk down beside me and a smile crossed my face as I instantly rested my head against their arm without even looking to see who it was

"What's happening here?" Draco asked confused as I sat up with a hand over my mouth as I tried not to laugh

"Oh shit it's you"

"Yes it is me, why are you leaning on my arm?" He asked amused after I rested my head back on his arm with a smile after giving a slight shrug

"Because you're my new pillow"

"She stayed up all morning arguing then stormed into the dorm at half five this morning in a mood until she had a shower"

"I know about the argument, we were sitting in the stairwell listening to her"

"Fuck, were you really?" I asked laughing as I looked up at him and caught sight of the smirk on his face as I shook my head smiling

"We heard every single word"

"Christ that's embarrassing. Wait, you know how the Durmstrang guys are sharing the Slytherin common room, do they get separate dorms?"

"Yeah they've extended the stairwell and there are around another six dorms added on"

"Really? The Ravenclaws said they-"

"You've spoken to the Ravenclaws? Already?"

"Yes Daphne, I was up before you. I crossed paths with Cho and had a little chat with her. They think they have to share with the girls from Beauxbatons-"

"What do you mean 'think'?"

"They've decided to sleep in there from tonight on. I'll ask Cho later, or Fleur-"

"You know Fleur?"

"Of course I do, and her little sister Gabrielle- wait, do you?"

"I recognise her"

"Interesting... I know Viktor as well"

"Well of course you know Viktor"

"I can introduce you to him if you want Daphne, I know you're just dying to meet him" I teased as a slight red colour rose to her cheeks and I started laughing

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