|Chapter 132 : Eggs and Obstacles|

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Looking behind me from the top of the mountain I never realised how far we'd walked, the castle being miles behind us as we continued walking towards the stadium that was hidden away from sight, passing the champions tent as I fought every bone in my body to not go in to see Cedric. Feeling Nott wrap his arm around my shoulders I stared at my feet numbly while we continued to walk, passing the twins who were shouting for people to place bets, everyone going silent and lifting their heads when an echoing roar met everyone ears, soon stopping as we all stayed still before people slowly started walking again and I was pushed in front as I was led up the stairs into the stalls, slipping past people and going right to the edge as I leant against the wooden post in front of me with Nott to my left. Looking up I stared around, seeing a few recognisable faces as I again watched Fred and George make their way around people getting them to place bets as I stopped myself from smiling at the antics of the two while I continued looking around, almost instantly locking eyes with Draco in the next stall as we looked at each other, neither one of us turning away while he gave the slightest of nods my way as I turned away from him and looked at the area in front of me.

Getting drawn out of my thoughts at the sound of a canon blasting everyone started to cheer as I stared about, my stomach dropping at the dragon that was being led into the arena, a Swedish Short-snout, stamping its feet agitated before it made its way over to the nest of eggs that were buried between rocks in the centre as it curled its tail around it protectively while peering wonderingly at the golden egg in the centre. With everyone starting to shout and chant around me I felt the fear boil in my stomach, Cedric soon appearing as he instantly dived behind a rock and my breath caught in my throat, feeling movement from in front of me slowly move beside me I stared at Tristan confused, his having squeezed himself up from the lower level as he looked at me

"Are you alright?"

"No, are you?"

"Fuck no" he told me loudly before grabbing my shoulder gently and turning me around so I was beside the wall and he was between me and Nott as he leant forward

"You'll be warmer against the wall"

"I don't want him to get hurt Tristan"

"Neither do I- but why is he in such close proximity with a fucking dragon?"

"He'll be okay, he only really has to worry about the fire- it can turn bone to ash within seconds that's the main thing, other than that he should be safer on the ground than in the air: they're excellent fliers but on the ground they are far less agile as they only have forward facing limbs so they struggle to move about" I explained to him, watching intently as Cedric hurried about from rock to rock, the edge of his robes being caught by the bright blue flame as I grabbed Tristan's hand tightly.

"Come on, Ced.... you have to distract the bloody thing" I mumbled quietly while watching intently, him finally drawing his wand as he looked over the rock and stared about warily before transforming a nearby boulder, it turning into a dog as the dragons attention immediately turned towards it and he got up and ran towards the nest, screaming along with everyone else I watched as he grabbed the egg, the dragon turning back when he started to leave as it instantly shot fire at him, it briefly catching his leg as he stumbled down before quickly pushing himself back up and scrambling from the arena as I cheered along and clapped with everyone else

"Holy shit I thought I died there"

"I love that you put yourself into the equation before Cedric- who was face to face with a dragon-"

"Let me have this"

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